Empowering Your Future: Overcoming Limiting Stories
Because of our past we have limiting stories that we tell ourselves. We believe that because of those stories, every future event will result in the outcome predicted in the story.
That is true. What you believe determines your thoughts and actions. Through your limiting stories your possibility of self-sabotage is inevitable.
Every event brings a pivot moment: continue with the limitations or be open and available for a different outcome.
Now imagine you did not have those limiting stories, you don't hold a perception of failure, and you don't believe in your limitations, what will you do today to follow your heart dream?
The purpose of the past is to show us what we don't like, what does not excite us, what does not motivate us, and where we don't believe in ourselves. The past is not the excuse why we are not following our dreams and goals.
If you did not have a past, what will you do today? Follow your heart's desire, take steps towards your goals, and know you can.