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Stanford Great Outdoors
30 April 2022: Relaunch Of Cap...
We are relaunching Cape Moby wines and showcasing our new branding!
17 April 2022: Arno Carstens A...
For a once in a lifetime opportunity to see these 2 iconic artists on stage together please join Arno Carstens and Albert Frost...
7 May 2022: Panthera Africa 7 ...
We are celebrating our 7th anniversary this April and you are invited to commemorate this achievement with us!
Epic MTB Trails
Epic MTB trails for the exclusive use of guests staying at Beloftebos Farm Cottages and Stanford Valley Guest Farm.
22 - 24 April 2022: Yoga Retre...
Joëlle Sleebos will be hosting an intimate yoga weekend (2 nights) at Bodhi Khaya in Stanford.
19 March 2022: Celebrate Our 2...
Join us for our 2022 harvest celebrating Springfontein’s 20th vintage.
Langnaweek Wegbreek
Visvang, swem, hot tub, wandelpaadjie en bergfietspaadjies by Beloftebos Farm Cottages.
Winner: CapeNature “Win A Wi...
Thank you to everyone who entered our CapeNature “Win a Wild Card” Competition, it’s time to announce the winner!
30 April 2022: Relaunch of Cape Moby Winer...

We are relaunching Cape Moby wines and showcasing our new branding!
For a once in a lifetime opportunity to see these 2 iconic artists on stage together please join Arno Carstens and Albert Frost...
We are celebrating our 7th anniversary this April and you are invited to commemorate this achievement with us!
Epic MTB Trails

Epic MTB trails for the exclusive use of guests staying at Beloftebos Farm Cottages and Stanford Valley Guest Farm.
Joëlle Sleebos will be hosting an intimate yoga weekend (2 nights) at Bodhi Khaya in Stanford.
19 March 2022: Celebrate our 20th Vintage!

Join us for our 2022 harvest celebrating Springfontein’s 20th vintage.
Langnaweek Wegbreek

Visvang, swem, hot tub, wandelpaadjie en bergfietspaadjies by Beloftebos Farm Cottages.
Winner: CapeNature “Win a Wild Card” C...

Thank you to everyone who entered our CapeNature “Win a Wild Card” Competition, it’s time to announce the winner!
Farm Dam

Having fun in the farm dam!