Speciality Stores and Services in Stanford

Stanford is a town with many interesting shops and speciality stores. Browse through book stores, toy stores as well as gift and curio stores on your search for whatever it is you are searching for in Stanford.

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1. Xplorio Rank - every listing has an Xplorio Rank which is based on the business’ level of participation on Xplorio as well as the completeness of their Profile.

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Trading Hours

A country destination just outside Stanford with farm experiences that include a restaurant, shop, venue hire and accommodation.

Trading Hours

A family-friendly restaurant on the Sir Robert Stanford Wine Estate that is open for breakfast, lunch and platters.

Trading Hours

A Stanford-based supplier of world-class pollination services, raw honey and honey-related products and accessories.

Pasture raised chicken and free-range duck eggs, farmed ethically and sustainably

Trading Hours

Quiet books for kids of all ages. Develop and learn while having fun.

Manufacturers and retailers of beautiful mosquito nets for both luxury lodges and your own bedroom, nursery or patio.

Handmade Rooikrans infused firelighters.

Firewood, braai wood, bush/alien clearing, mulch (stimulates organic life in soil, decreases weed growth, increases yields) and on site chipping of garden refus

A country destination just outside Stanford with farm experiences that include a restaurant, shop, venue hire and accommodation.

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A family-friendly restaurant on the Sir Robert Stanford Wine Estate that is open for breakfast, lunch and platters.

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A Stanford-based supplier of world-class pollination services, raw honey and honey-related products and accessories.

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Pasture raised chicken and free-range duck eggs, farmed ethically and sustainably

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Quiet books for kids of all ages. Develop and learn while having fun.

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Manufacturers and retailers of beautiful mosquito nets for both luxury lodges and your own bedroom, nursery or patio.

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Handmade Rooikrans infused firelighters.

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Firewood, braai wood, bush/alien clearing, mulch (stimulates organic life in soil, decreases weed growth, increases yields) and on site chipping of garden refus

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