Any time she went shopping she used to keep an eye out for likely gifts and if she saw something nice, she'd buy it and put it away carefully in the drawer. Never did I see my mom in a flap about what to give so-and-so-for-her-birthday-tomorrow. The bonus for her, of course, was that present shopping was a pleasure and she always got the bargains.
I do it too now but I order boxes from our workshop made to fit the gift and I keep that in the drawer too, with the gift inside so all I need do is tie the ribbon when the day arrives. I like ribbons but it's not necessary of course. The box looks good all by itself.
I also keep novelty boxes in my "Present Drawer". Do you remember those? They are small, inexpensive boxes which dress up attractively and are just right for those occasions when it won't do to go empty-handed but it's inappropriate to arrive with a bottle of champagne or a box of imported chocolates.
My "Present Drawer" is an ally, like my deep freeze. It prevents panic-stricken emergencies and for me that makes it indispensable.
If you think it might be an ally in your life contact us.