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UIF Visiting Overstrand In Oct...
The Department of Labour's Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) will be visiting the Overstrand on the following dates.
Holiday Fun At Overstrand L...
Overstrand Libraries offer a range of activities for children during the October school holiday break.
#FastTipTuesday: Wet The Colo...
To visualise what a colour will look like in a Prominent Paints eggshell or semi-gloss paint, wet the colour swatch with water.
Prominent Paints: Moody Blues
This moody blue palette - paired with pink - is a soothing colour combination that will elevate your look this spring.
Prominent Paints: Raspberry C...
Refresh your look this Spring with Raspberry Cocktail.
Unresolved Trauma - Mental And...
We believe that our trauma is part of the suffering we must experience. Your unresolved trauma eventually leads to illnesses.
Plant A Tree. Leave A Legacy
Overstrand Municipality has committed to plant 160 trees during Arbour Month at schools, sport fields and public open spaces across the Overstrand.
Prominent Paints: Fresh Whites...
If you’re drawn to gentle tones that soothe and soften - you’ll love this look.
Mayor Rejects Eskom's Proposed...
Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, added her voice to that of Cape Town mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis, to oppose Eskom's proposed 32% tariff hike for next year.
UIF Visiting Overstrand in October
The Department of Labour's Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) will be visiting the Overstrand on the following dates.
Holiday Fun at Overstrand Libraries
Overstrand Libraries offer a range of activities for children during the October school holiday break.
To visualise what a colour will look like in a Prominent Paints eggshell or semi-gloss paint, wet the colour swatch with water. ...
Prominent Paints: Moody Blues
This moody blue palette - paired with pink - is a soothing colour combination that will elevate your look this spring.
Refresh your look this Spring with Raspberry Cocktail.
Unresolved Trauma - Mental and Physical We...
We believe that our trauma is part of the suffering we must experience. Your unresolved trauma eventually leads to illnesses.
Plant a Tree. Leave a Legacy
Overstrand Municipality has committed to plant 160 trees during Arbour Month at schools, sport fields and public open spaces across the Over...
If you’re drawn to gentle tones that soothe and soften - you’ll love this look.
Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, added her voice to that of Cape Town mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis, to oppose Eskom's proposed...