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Now In Stock: Vino PH Pinot N...
Vino pH is an adventure in wine by French and Africa Girl Team, Pauline and Hanneke.
Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tast...
Sourced from the Swartland, this ‘Old Vine’ Chenin Blanc from Creation is “A wine with the charms of umpteen summers..."
PRP For Hair Loss
PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss involves drawing a patient's blood sample and injecting the platelets into the scalp.
Permanent Make-up
Anyone who has had quality permanent makeup will tell you that it has changed their life in a positive way.
Show Up For Yourself Every Day
It is when we look back, still holding the fears of failure and confidence, that yesterday's goal again becomes today's mountain.
Winter Break: 19 June - 31 Aug...
Hurry! There's still time to book for the 11th, 16th, and 18th of June 2023.
Lize Van Der Walt @ FynArts He...
Are you an art enthusiast looking for a captivating experience that combines beauty, creativity, and a touch of magic?
Achieving Balance As Defined B...
Biological life on Earth consists of two sexes: male and female. The universal expression of energy is feminine and masculine.
Now in Stock: Vino pH Pinot Noir and Barb...
Vino pH is an adventure in wine by French and Africa Girl Team, Pauline and Hanneke.
Saturday | Sunday Weekend Tasting: Creati...
Sourced from the Swartland, this ‘Old Vine’ Chenin Blanc from Creation is “A wine with the charms of umpteen summers...&qu...
PRP for Hair Loss
PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss involves drawing a patient's blood sample and injecting the platelets into the scalp.&n...
Permanent Make-up
Anyone who has had quality permanent makeup will tell you that it has changed their life in a positive way.
It is when we look back, still holding the fears of failure and confidence, that yesterday's goal again becomes today's mountain. ...
Open on Youth Day
Die Plaaskombuis will be open on Youth Day, 16 June 2023!
Winter Break: 19 June - 31 August 2023
Hurry! There's still time to book for the 11th, 16th, and 18th of June 2023.
Are you an art enthusiast looking for a captivating experience that combines beauty, creativity, and a touch of magic?
Achieving Balance as defined by the Univer...
Biological life on Earth consists of two sexes: male and female. The universal expression of energy is feminine and masculine.