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Trading Of Hermanus Country Ma...
Overstrand Municipality, as landowner, will allow the Hermanus Country Market to trade this coming Saturday, 4 February 2023.
Now In Stock: Mother Rock Rel...
JH 'Stompie' Meyer believes in keeping it simple. His new vintages were released a few weeks ago and we now have them on the shelf.
Prominent Paints: Spicy Mustar...
Colour your life with Prominent Paints in a deliciously golden, summer-inspired colour that radiates warmth, joy and the bliss of the season.
Prominent Paints Origin Palett...
Colour your life with a neutral Prominent Paints Origin palette that’s elegant, timeless and on-trend.
Fast Tip: Cleaning Paint On B...
Brick is porous, so when paint spills on the surface, it soaks in making paint removal tricky.
Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6)
The colour of 2023! Imagine how Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6) can enhance that wall and make it WOW!
Valentine’s Day Competition...
Stand a chance to WIN a picnic hamper to the value of R400 from Tolbos Bistro!
Solar-Powered CCTV Technology
Solar-powered CCTV technology, is now available, for the times the electricity supply lets you down.
Trading of Hermanus Country Market
Overstrand Municipality, as landowner, will allow the Hermanus Country Market to trade this coming Saturday, 4 February 2023.
Now in Stock: Mother Rock Releases
JH 'Stompie' Meyer believes in keeping it simple. His new vintages were released a few weeks ago and we now have them on the sh...
Colour your life with Prominent Paints in a deliciously golden, summer-inspired colour that radiates warmth, joy and the bliss of the season...
Colour your life with a neutral Prominent Paints Origin palette that’s elegant, timeless and on-trend.
Brick is porous, so when paint spills on the surface, it soaks in making paint removal tricky.
Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6)
The colour of 2023! Imagine how Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6) can enhance that wall and make it WOW!
Valentine’s Day Competition: WIN a Picn...
Stand a chance to WIN a picnic hamper to the value of R400 from Tolbos Bistro!
Solar-Powered CCTV Technology
Solar-powered CCTV technology, is now available, for the times the electricity supply lets you down.
Pole Strapping before being dispatched.