It's important of course to repair and maintain the buildings to prevent big problems and expense. That's a good reason for refurbishing the school but it is also very important to keep Pikkewyntjies a place of light and space and colour because for many of our children it is the only place they know that is. It plays a role as an example of what care and teamwork can achieve even when money is tight in the clean, orderly surroundings and the bright, handmade curtains. In the harmony that surrounds them they learn what it is to be content and happy and what behaviour maintains harmony in the group.
With everyone's help in cash or kind, the school has been painted and all the outbuildings. Even the gate has been refurbished. I hope you enjoy the pics.
PS: If you have been meaning to donate to The Challenge and simply haven't got around to it, please, please do it today or tomorrow morning first thing because it ends tomorrow.
The details are:
Pikkewyntjies Pre-School
First National Bank; Cheque Account; Branch: 200412
Account No: 62147034988