There is nothing for kids to do in school holidays in the Village of Mooi Uitsig but ex Pikkewyntjies know they are always welcome at their Alma Mater. When the holidays come they know if they walk down to the school they will be invited to join in the activities whatever they are for the day. Juffrou Zaan doesn't decide, the kids do and it's a big room so everyone gets to go with their choice.
An ongoing and worrying problem is the situation of the ex Pikkewyntjies who have outgrown childish activities and who are not very good at entertaining themselves reading or playing games with friends. They hang around Mooi Uitsig Village or Betty's Bay and get up to dangerous mischief. Some of the adults are only too eager to offer them drink and drugs and encourage them to forget that a better life beckons.
A very great deal of money and a very dedicated Principal and Board like that managing Pikkewyntjies is needed to set up a Centre for the adolescents in our Community where they can experience again the kind of care and the range of activities they knew as children and where the philosophy taught in their early years can be reinforced.
May I ask you all to hold the thought and keep your eyes and ears open for possibilities as you go about your lives. We all live with crime and wish we didn't and crime starts in adolescence.