Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz Pre-School Receives A Donation
Exciting news for Pikkewyntjies! As everyone is aware that we have been calling on donations to the public so that we can continue to do the amazing work that we do, providing for the young underprivileged children in Betty's Bay. A husband and wife in Germany have offered to sponsor the soup kitchen and in fact, already deposited the cost of a year's food for 35 children in the Pikkewyntjies account. They prefer to remain anonymous as they are doing it for the children, not to be thanked. I think everyone reading this can imagine what a relief it is not to have to scratch for the money to provide a meal over weekends out of school funds. The eagerness of the children for that satisfying meal makes everyone very, very glad that it is now guaranteed.
Once again thanks to Louise our cook who gives up her day to do this and to Genevieve, the teacher assistant who makes the time to come and help her.
We are thankful to everyone that supports us. Please contact Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz Pre-School for more information.