
LOCKDOWN Level 3: Building Control Applications and Inspections Resume

LOCKDOWN Level 3: Building Control Applications and Inspections Resume

Overstrand Municipality

LOCKDOWN Level 3: Building Control Applications and Inspections Resumed

The Overstrand Municipality’s Building Control Department will accept building plan applications from 08:00 until 15:00 Mondays to Fridays. The offices are closed between 13:00 - 13:45.

In line with the Covid-19 Risk-Adjusted Strategy, we aim to keep human interaction to a minimum. Our staff component rotate or work flexi time.

Only one person from the public is allowed into the Building Control office at a time. Face masks to be worn at all times in the office. Offices are fumigated weekly and sanitised daily. A Covid-19 screening test is performed before entering the office. Covid-19 screening in Kleinmond and Gansbaai is done at the main building entrance.

Building inspectors are continuing with inspections in line with the Covid-19 Risk-Adjusted Strategy. Please contact the relevant office to apply for a building inspection or any other assistance. Contact details are indicated at the bottom of the page.

To further minimise human contact, Building Control application forms are available on the Overstrand website:; Go to: Documents/Forms/Building Services.

Building plans to be viewed are available at the different Building Control offices between 08:00 - 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00. Copies of building plans are also available (fee payable). Only owners or someone with written permission from the owners are allowed to view or receive copies.

Submit Plans

Two sets of plans (in colour in accordance with National Building Regulations) must be submitted together with a copy of the Title Deed, completed SANs 10400 Application forms.

Building Control staff will calculate the building plan fees and builder’s deposit (where applicable). The approval of building plans can take up to 21 working days if the application complies with all relevant legislation.

The Building Control Department will notify the applicant when the plans are ready for collection.


No building may be occupied until an occupation certificate has been issued to the owner. An inspection form to be filled in at the Building Department, or emailed to the Building Control office, at least a day before to the inspection.

The four compulsory inspections will continue during Lockdown level 3.

After the final inspection has been finalised and all applicable documentation received, the occupation certificate can be issued and the builder’s deposit (if applicable) can be refunded which is usually credited to your municipal account.



16 Paterson Street, House No. 2

Tel: 028 313 8089


Corner Main Street and Kapokblom Street

Tel 028 384 8321

STANFORD ADMINISTRATION (14h00 - 16h00 unless in Gansbaai office for the day - please contact before-hand)

17 Queen Victoria Street

Tel: 028 341 8500


37 Fifth Avenue

Tel: 028 271 8427


LOCKDOWN Level 3: Building Control Applications and Inspections Resume

Overstrand Municipality

In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...

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