Welcome to the Betty's Bay Blog


Top Paints Low Sheen

Top Paints Low Sheen

A high-quality, hard-wearing satin finish coating for interior and exterior use.

Select Wall and Ceiling Paint

Select Wall And Ceiling Paint

We get it - times are tough and budgets are tight. 

Project Completed in Kleinmond: Kitchen Cupboards + Bedroom Cupboards

Project Completed In Kleinmond...

Installation of Kitchen and Bedroom Cupboards done in Kleinmond.

Overstrand Kaste
What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your Goals?

What Are You Willing To Pay To...

How often did your dream or goal come true, only to be spoiled by something "unforeseen?"

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve You

Let Go Of The Limitations That...

Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into the powerful you that is waiting.

Project Completed in Camdebo Kleinmond

Project Completed In Camdebo K...

The Overstrand Kaste team recently completed a project in Camdebo in Kleinmond.

Overstrand Kaste
Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy M...

We just love how this Spicy Mustard amps up analytical thinking and creativity - while also adding warmth to this study. 

Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge Of Your Life

Some of our experiences are outright horrible, testing, and stressful.

A2 Beta-Casein Milk Products

A2 Beta-Casein Milk Products

Grass-fed, full cream, farm fresh, hormone and antibiotic-free. 

Tahini Deli
Top Paints Low Sheen

Top Paints Low Sheen

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

A high-quality, hard-wearing satin finish coating for interior and exterior use.

Select Wall and Ceiling Paint

Select Wall and Ceiling Paint

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

We get it - times are tough and budgets are tight. 

Project Completed in Kleinmond: Kitchen Cupboards + Bedroom Cupboards

Project Completed in Kleinmond: Kitchen Cu...

Overstrand Kaste

Installation of Kitchen and Bedroom Cupboards done in Kleinmond.

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your Goals?

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reach Your ...

How often did your dream or goal come true, only to be spoiled by something "unforeseen?"

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve You

Let Go of The Limitations That Don't Serve...

Acknowledge your limitations, let them go as they do not serve you, feel the fire that is you within, allow it to grow and burst open into t...

Project Completed in Camdebo Kleinmond

Project Completed in Camdebo Kleinmond

Overstrand Kaste

The Overstrand Kaste team recently completed a project in Camdebo in Kleinmond.

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Prominent Satin Silk: Spicy Mustard

Wilkoo Marketing Paint Distributors

We just love how this Spicy Mustard amps up analytical thinking and creativity - while also adding warmth to this study. 

Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge of Your Life

Some of our experiences are outright horrible, testing, and stressful.

A2 Beta-Casein Milk Products

A2 Beta-Casein Milk Products

Tahini Deli

Grass-fed, full cream, farm fresh, hormone and antibiotic-free.