Hospitals and clinics in Caledon

Whether you’re visiting on holiday, thinking of moving here or you live in the area, Caledon hospitals and clinics are readily available to offer their services. Each facility boasts highly-qualified doctors, specialists, nurses and other staff members that ensure to make the well-being of the surrounding community their first priority. As a public service, these establishments offer comprehensive care in the field of medicine and support to anyone who needs it. These businesses in Caledon are an integral service here to the growing number of residents and visitors, year on end.

The clinic in Caledon operates Monday to Friday from 7:30 – 16:00 and offers several on-site and home treatments that include TB diagnosis, HIV treatment and counselling and pre-natal care. Additionally, should your diagnosis or medical requirements not be treatable here, patients are referred to Swellendam hospital, located 107kms away, to utilise these public services.

Caledon is home to its own government medical facility which also acts as a training hospital for aspiring doctors and nurses. Whether you need to go to be admitted in an emergency at 3am, seeking a referral for mental health treatment or simply require a specialist to see to another part of your body, you can find a host of services at one the hospitals and clinics in Caledon.

Caledon forms part of the Cape Country Meander region in the Overberg. As a popular settlement town for former city-dwellers, retirees and international expats, the residential community is bursting with diversity. Most importantly, Caledon is a popular tourist destination throughout the year. Thanks to its natural endowments, close proximity to Cape Town and other amenities and sites, the development of Caledon has boosted the GDP, thereby creating jobs for the community here.

In specific cases where the medical services in Caledon are not able to assist, patients are referred to other hospitals in and around the area, namely Worcester, Swellendam or Cape Town. Each of which is just over an hour away, but an easy and direct drive along the N2 highway.

If you’re looking to visit a patient here or simply want to travel to Caledon for another purpose, its approximately 113kms from Cape Town. Easily accessible by car, you’ll take a trip over historic mountain passes, past wind farms and canola fields and a handful of delicious farm stalls along the way. Alternatively, visitors from outside of the Western Cape can fly into Cape Town International Airport and simply hire a car and hit the road to Caledon!

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Local government clinic.


The Western Cape Department of Health delivers a comprehensive package of health services to the people of the province.

Local government clinic.

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The Western Cape Department of Health delivers a comprehensive package of health services to the people of the province.

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