Uilenkraalsmond Weather

Uilenkraalsmond Weather, Climate and Seasons

Uilenkraalsmond is situated about 10-minutes drive from Gansbaai and the moderate climate is a combination of coastal and inland weather conditions with an abundance of fine weather days. The area is home to the popular Uilenkraalsmond Holiday Resort and swimming lagoon, and has been a popular family holiday destination for almost a century. Rock anglers frequent fishing spots along the stretch of coastline closest to the Uilkraalsmond lagoon estuary and along the coastline towards Pearly Beach.

Summer weather in Uilenkraalsmond (December, January, February & March)

  • Uilenkraalsmond average seasonal temperature in summer: 17°C (63°F) and 28°c (82°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daily temperature in summer: 25 °C (77°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average monthly rainfall in summer: Mostly dry
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daylight hours in summer: 12 to 14.5 hours

The summer months in Uilenkraalsmond are generally warm to hot with not much rainfall expected although, with all coastal weather patterns, anything can happen. The long sunny days are perfect for outdoor living and adventures.

Autumn weather in Uilenkraalsmond (March, April, May & June)

  • Uilenkraalsmond average seasonal temperature in autumn: 13°C (59°F) and 27°c (81°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daily temperature in autumn: 22°c (72°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average monthly rainfall in autumn: 5 to 6 days a month
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daylight hours in autumn: 10 to 12 hours

The autumn months in Uilenkraalsmond merge with summer and winter so seamlessly that you will be hard-pressed to notice the end and beginning of each season. Other than dawn being noticeable later and dusk earlier, the daytime weather remains fine and sunny without much wind and rain. Mornings can be surprisingly icy from April onwards.

Winter weather in Uilenkraalsmond (June, July, August & September)

  • Uilenkraalsmond average seasonal temperature in winter: 11°C (52°F) and 20°c (68°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daily temperature in winter: 13°C (55°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average monthly rainfall in winter: 10 to 11 days a month
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daylight hours in winter: 9.5 to 12 hours

The winter months in Uilenkraalsmond consist of an eclectic mix of mild fair weather days, icy days when ruthless storms batter the countryside and hot sunny days that make you want to be out-and-about making the most of the sunshine. Once in a while, all these weather patterns occur on the same day.

Spring weather in Uilenkraalsmond (September, October, November & December)

  • Uilenkraalsmond average seasonal temperature in spring: 13°C (55°F) and 25°c (77°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daily temperature in spring: 23°C (73°F)
  • Uilenkraalsmond average monthly rainfall in spring: 5 to 8 days
  • Uilenkraalsmond average daylight hours in spring: 12 to 14 hours

The spring months in Uilenkraalsmond offer an inspiring taste of the warmer months that lay ahead and the longer, warmer days are welcomed after the icy tail end of winter finally subsides. The abundance of rain has prepared the earth for new life and the sand dunes are speckled in healthy coastal vegetation.

Uilenkraalsmond surrounding area weather-related information:

Baardskeerdersbos weather
Danger Point weather
De Kelders weather
Franskraal weather
Gansbaai weather
Kleinbaai weather
Pearly Beach weather

Popular Uilenkraalsmond information:

Uilenkraalsmond directions
Uilenkraalsmond accommodation
Uilenkraalsmond places to eat
Uilenkraalsmond holiday resort


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