3, 4 + 5 December 2021: Bi-Annual Gashuku (Grading Camp)
We would like to inform you of our last Gashuku (grading camp) of the year. We have all had a stressful year and the end is in sight!
We will be ending off the year with our bi-annual Gashuku on 3, 4 and 5 December 2021 and hereby invite all students and parents.
The camp cost will be R700 per person for the weekend, this includes meals.
Please complete this form to indicate if the student and parents will be attending the camp. We will have to pay the camp by the end of October 2021 so all payments should be completed by 25 October 2021. Confirmation slips should be back by 30 September 2021 to establish what the way forward would be.
Basic information regarding the camp:
1. This will be at Grootbos on 3/12/2021.
2. Students will have to be offloaded at Grootbos. (location will be provided)
3. We will send out an attachment on the WhatsApp group about this wonderful location and all it has to offer.
4. The day of the grading family and friends can attend although we will have to charge them a cover fee as per camp rules they are day visitors and beverages will be supplied.
• If parents do not want the student to sleep over but still attend all activities the daily schedule can be sent and a fee would still be charged. For beverages and “day visitor on-site”.
5. What to bring with you:
• extra blanket and pillow
• towel
• toiletries
• clothing to practice in (comfortable clothing)
• takkies/shoes
• mask/sanitizer
• own water bottle
• sunblock
6. Students can pack in additional snacks, should they have a personal preference. We will have snacks available for in-between meals.
• Once we have received confirmation of the number of students attending and if this is a possibility for us this year we will send a menu out that would be up for discussion.
• It would be greatly appreciated if parents and students that attend would volunteer to help with the preparation of meals.
We would like all students and parents to keep in mind that this is in a nature reserve, regarding littering, picking of flowers this is not allowed or in any sense acceptable. Those who smoke please safely dispose of your cigarette buds.
For more information, contact Goju Ryu Karate Gansbaai.