January 2022 Newsletter / Januarie 2022 Nuusbrief

January 2022 Newsletter / Januarie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

January 2022 Newsletter / Januarie 2022 Nuusbrief

Die mees Suidelike Gholfbaan in Afrika / The Southernmost Golf course in Africa

“’n Natuurlike grasbaan, geleë in Kaapse Fynbos met ‘n sweem links in die somer”

“A natural grass course, situated in Cape Fynbos with a touch of links in summer”

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1. Ons is besig om ons eie webwerf op te stel - kyk gerus na https://gansbaaigolfclub.com. Enige kommentaar en voorstelle is welkom! We are busy creating our own web site - take a look at https://gansbaaigolfclub.com. Any comments and proposals are welcome!

2. Hierdie is jou nuusbrief. Maak dit asseblief vir ons lede meer interessant en stuur fotos, stories en ander nuus na gbgholf@gmail.com. This is your newsletter. Please make it more interesting for our members by sending photos, stories and other news to gbgholf@gmail.com.

3. Nuwejaarsboodskap van die Kaptein: New Years Message from the Captain: Ek wens ‘n voorspoedige 2022 vir die kommitee en elke klub lid en hul Familie ‘n geseënde en voorspoedige jaar toe. Mag die nuwe jaar net gesondheid en geluk oor ons almal se pad saai. I wish the committee and every club member and their Families have a blessed and prosperous 2022. May the new year sow our way forward with good health and happiness.

4. Woensdag, 1 Desember 2021 was die jaarlikse prysuitdeling vir beide die Sloegterskompetisie en Uitklopkompetisies vir 2021.

Johan Coetzee wen die jaarlikse Sloegerskompetisie met die beste gemiddelde Enkel Stableford punte van 528, gevolg deur Daan Victor 525, Bev Swart 522, Joe Cesare 520, Johan Pfister 519, Leon Lombaard 516, Cecil Galloway 508, Marietjie de Villiers 508, El Mathhee 505 en Solly Wessels 499.

Uitslag van die Uitklopkompetisies is as volg: Daan Victor wen die Enkels, Nico Jones en Rene Lambrecht wen die Scramble, Barry en Marie Fourie wen die Foursomes. Veels geluk aan al die wenners.

The annual prize-giving for both the Sloegters and the Knock Out competitions for 2021 was on Wednesday the 1st December 2021.

Johan Coetzee won the annual Sloegters competition with the best average Single Stableford points of 528, followed by Daan Victor 525, Bev Swart 522, Joe Cesare 520, Johan Pfister 519, Leon Lombaard 516, Cecil Galloway 508, Marietjie de Villiers 508, El Mathhee 505 and Solly Wessels 499.

The results of the knockout competitions were as follows: Daan Victor won the Singles, Nico Jones & Rene Lambrecht won the Scramble, Barry & Marie Fourie won the Foursomes. Congratulations to all the winners.

5. ‘n Paar onlangse fotos: A few recent photographs:

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Photos: Beeskraal best dressed players / Hugo hit the Sisal plant

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Photos: Staff: Yotsi, Grace and Welkom / Angry flower

6. Inskryf van jou Gholf Telling (Uitreksel van HNA Handicap News) Entering your Golf Score (Extract from HNA Handicap News)

Make sure you play off the correct Course Handicap:

Each course and each tee potentially present you with a different Course Handicap, so it is important to make sure you check your CH before you play.

You can easily do this and enter your scores via the HNA Handicaps & Tournament App, the HNA website or through the handicap terminals at golf clubs.

Maak seker dat jy van die korrekte Baanvoorgee speel:

Elke baan en elke bof het die potensiaal om jou ‘n ander Baanvoorgee te gee, daarom is dit belangrik om seker te maak van jou BV voordat jy afslaan.

Jy kan dit, en jou tellings, maklik indien deur die HNA Handicaps & Tournament App, die HNA webtuiste of die voorgee terminale by verskillende klubs te gebruik.

Skryf jou tellings betyds in:

Wanneer daar klaar gespeel is, word spelers gevra om die tellings voor middernag van die dag van spel in te skryf. Dit sal verseker dat soveel moontlike tellings gebruik sal word om die Spel Kondisie Berekening uit te voer. Dit word gebruik om te bepaal of daar ‘n vereffening op die tellings verskille gemaak moet word as gevolg van ongunstige weersomstandighede of as gevolg van hoe die baan voorberei is vir die dag se spel.

As jy versuim om die telling binne 2 ure na middernag van die dag se spel in te sit, sal daar outomaties ‘n Straf Telling deur die sisteem ingestel word. Die Straf Telling sal gelyk wees aan die laagste telling verkil van die laaste 20 tellings wat op die sisteem geregistreer is.

Die Straf Telling sal moontlik gebruik word in die berekening van jou Voorgee Indeks totdat dit uit jou jongste 20 tellings uitval.

Nota: Spelers wat die volgende dag speel en versuim het om die telling voor middernag in te skryf, sal nie ‘n geldige Voorgee Indeks vir die volgende dag se spel hê nie. Die speler kan dan moontlik nie in die kompetisie toegelaat word nie.

Enter your scores on time:

Upon completion of the round, golfers are requested to enter their score before midnight on the day of play. This will ensure that as many scores as possible will be taken into account when calculating the Playing Conditions Calculation, which determines whether there is a need to adjust the calculated score differential due to adverse weather conditions or course setup on the day of play.

Failure to enter a score within 24 hours after midnight of the day the round was played, will result in a Penalty Score automatically being applied by the system. The Penalty Score will be equal to the player’s lowest score differential from their previous 20 scores entered on the system.

The Penalty Score will be considered in your Handicap Index calculation until it falls out of your most recent 20 scores.

Note: Players who are playing the next day and do not enter their score on the day of play will not have a valid Handicap Index the following day and could therefore be excluded from competing in a competition.

Maak seker dat jy die regte telling inskryf:

Jy is verantwoordelik daarvoor om seker te maak dat jou telling akkuraat en suksesvol ingeskryf is. Jy kan dit doen deur dit op die 'Handicap Record Sheet' op die HNA sisteem na te gaan. As jou telling nie daar te siene is nie, dan is dit nie korrek ingeskryf nie. Jy sal dit dan weer moet inskryf.

As jy ‘n verkeerde telling ingeskryf het, sal die klub se voorgee adminstrateur dit kan korrigeer

Ensure you enter the correct score:

The onus is on you to ensure your scores are entered successfully and accurately. You can check this by visiting your 'Handicap Record Sheet' on the HNA system. If a score doesn't show here, then it hasn't been entered successfully and you will have to resubmit it.

If you have submitted an incorrect score, your home club’s handicap administrator will be able to correct the entry for you.

As jy ‘n besonderse telling behaal:

As jy ‘n telling verskil tussen 7.0 en 9.9 houe inskryf wat beter is as jou VI (HI), dan het jy ‘n besonderse telling ingeskryf. Die sisteem sal dan jou VI met 1 hou verminder. As die telling verskil gelyk is of beter is as 10.0 houe as jou VI dan sal die sisteem jou VI met 3 houe verminder

Achieving an exceptional score:

If your score differential is between 7.0 and 9.9 strokes better than your HI, you will have submitted an exceptional score and the system will cut your HI by 1 stroke. If your score differential is equal to or greater than 10.0 strokes better than your HI, then the system will cut your HI by 3 strokes.

Die Spel Kondisie Berekening (PCC):

Jou spel word gemeet teen die Baan Valuasie en Helling Valuasie van die bowwe wat gespeel was. Die waardes is gebaseer op normale speel kondisies. Weer kondisies en baan opstel kondisies kan maak dat die baan makliker of moeliker as normaal speel.

Wanneer kondisies sodanig is dat tellings abnormaal hoog of laag is, dan word ‘n Spel Kondisie Berekening [Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC)] gebruik om jou Telling Verskil te verander. Dit is om jou dag se spel nader aan jou vermons te maak. Dié berekening word deur ‘n statistiese prosedure gedoen wat die aanvaarbare tellings van die dag se spel wat ingedien is vergelyk met die verwagte tellings van daardie spelers. Die PCC word outomaties bereken deur die voorgee bedienaar en daarom is daar nie ekstra werk vir jou of die klub administrateurs.

The Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC):

Your performance is measured against the Course Rating and Slope Rating of the tees that were played. However, these values are based on normal playing conditions and factors such as weather or course set-up can make a course play harder or easier than normal.

When abnormal course or weather conditions cause scores to be unusually high or low on a given day, a Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC) will adjust your Score Differential to better reflect your actual performance. This mechanism works by a statistical procedure that Nuusbrief/Newsletter, Jan 2022 Page 6 evaluates acceptable scores submitted each day and compares them to the expected scores of those players. The PCC is calculated automatically by the handicap server, so there is no additional work for you or the club administrators.

Inskryf van vreemde baan tellings

Jy kan en moet tellings inskryf van vreemde bane wat nie op die HNA sisteem geregistreer is op die HNA sisteem invul. Om dit te doen selekteer die 'Foreign Round' opsie geduurende die 1ste stap van die telling inskryf proses.

Entering foreign rounds

You can and must enter scores for foreign courses that are not registered on our system. To do this, select the 'Foreign Round' option during Step 1 of the score-entry process.

7. Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:

Uitslae, Woen 1 Des Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 1 Des, Single Stableford competition:

 • 1. Marietjie de Villiers 36

 • 2. Leon Lombaard 36

 • 3. Johan Coetzee 35

 • 4. Daan Victor 32

 • 5. Solly Wessels 31

 • 6. Joe Cesare 31

 • 7. Bev Swart 31

 • 8. Wally van Coller 30

 • 9. Hugo Groenewald 29

 • 10. Clive Bailey 28

 • 11. John Wellman 16

Spog twees is aangeteken deur Solly Wessels (op 2) en Leon Lombaard (op 11). They made 2 clubs.

Uitslae, Vry 3 Des, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 3 Dec: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

 • 1. Hennie Kriel 18

 • 2. Pietie Dry 16

 • 3. Marius Meyer 15

 • 4. Koos Myburgh 13

 • 5. Stephen Brown 9

Uitslae, Sat 4 Des, 2 Bal American Scramble kompetisie: Results, Sat 4 Des, 2 Ball American Scramble:

 • 1. Johan Coetzee & Dirk van Dyk net 72

 • 2. Cobus Dippenaar & Gina Esterhuizen net 68

 • 3. Barry & Marie Fourie net 69

 • 4. Pieter Loubser & Melvin Tobias net 70

 • 5. Nico Jones & Rene Lambrecht net 70

 • 6. C Kleinschmidt & C Kemm net 71

 • 7. Daan Victor & Clive Bailey net 72

 • 8. Schalk Kloppers & Mike Germishuys net 73

 • 9. Bev Swart & Bertie Laubscher net 73

 • 10.Cedric Whittal & Stephen Brown net 73

Uitslae, Son 5 Des, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 5 Dec, 9 hole single stableford competition.

  • Geen Gholf as gevolg van die weer. No play because of bad weather.

Uitslae, Woen 8 Des Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Wed 8 Des, Single Stableford competition:

 • 1. Marietjie de Villiers 34

 • 2. Bev Swart 32

 • 3. Daan Victor 31

 • 4. Clive Bailey 31

 • 5. Solly Wessels 31

 • 6. Johan Pfister 29

 • 7. Fanus Walters 27

 • 8. Wally van Coller 26

 • 9. El Matthee 26

Marietjie de Villiers teken ‘n spog twee aan op nr.17. She made a two club on no. 17.

Uitslae, Vry 10 Des, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 10 Dec: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

 • 1. Philip Kriel 19

 • 2. Sakkie vd Merwe 18

 • 3. Hennie Kriel 17

 • 4. John Smith 17

 • 5. Pero Heyns 14

 • 6. H Joubert 13

 • 7. Pietie Dry 13

 • 8. Wouter Mentz 12

Uitslae, Sat 11 Des, Beeskraal Ope Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 11 Dec, Beeskraal Open Single Stableford competition:

Wenners van die Beeskraal Ope, geborg deur FCS Distributers, is as volg: Winners of the Beeskraal Open, sponsored bt FCS Distributors are as follows:

 • 1. Die Bulle wen die kompetisie met 31.31 gemiddeld. Bulls win with an average of 31.31.

 • 2. Die Koeitjies tweede met 30.8. The Cows with 30.8 came second.

 • 3. Die Osse derde met 28.56. The Oxes third with 28.56.

 • 4. Die Tollies vierde met 25.25. The Calves fourth with 25.25.

The wenners van elke afdeling volg: The winners of each section are as follows:


 • 1. Rene Lambrecht 36

 • 2. Benjamin Sebonka 32

 • 3. Willem Germishuis 30


 • 1. Abraham Philander 38

 • 2. Nico Jones 37

 • 3. Martin Dreyer 37


 • 1. Johan Coetzee 37

 • 2. Philip Kriel 35

 • 3. Bev Swart 34


 • 1. Brenda Breytenbach 36

 • 2. Marietjie de Villiers 35

 • 3. Marietjie Visser 30

Photo: Van LNR, From LTR: Rene Lambrecht, Francis Swart, Johan Coetzee en Abraham Philander

Naaste aan die penne was Nico Jones (2 & 15) & Johan Paulsen (17). Johan Coetzee teken ‘n spog twee aan op nr. 2. Nearest to the pins were Nico Jones (2 & 15) & Johan Paulsen (17). Johan Coetzee made a two club on no.2.

Die komitee en spelers bedank Bev en Francis Swart vir die pragtige vleispryse in elke ouderdomsgroep. The committee and players thank Bev and Francis Swart for sponsoring the great meat prizes in each age group.

Uitslae, Son 12 Des, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie gholf gekanselleer: Results, Sun 12 Dec, 9 hole single stableford competition golf cancelled.

Ons innige simpatie aan die familie van Hennie Kriel. Our deepest condolences go out to the family of Hennie Kriel.

Uitslae, Woen 15 Dec, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Wed 15 Dec, Single Stableford competition:

 • 1. Bev Swart 35

 • 2. Hugo Groenewald 34

 • 3. El Matthee 31

 • 4. Wally van Coller 31

 • 5. Cobus Dippenaar 30

 • 6. Clive Bailey 29

 • 7. Senekal Dreyer 29

 • 8. Johan Coetzee 27

 • 9. Lambert Smith 27

 • 10.Gerhard Dreyer 27

Cobus Dippenaar teken ‘n spog Twee aan op putjie nr. 11. He made a two club on hole no. 11.

Uitslae, Vry 17 Des, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 17 Dec: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

 • 1. John Smith 15

 • 2. Sakkie vd Merwe 12

Uitslae, Sat 18 Des, Gansbaai Classic: 4BBB (voorkeur dryfhou) kompetisie: Results, Sat 18 Dec, Gansbaai Classic: BBB (preferred drive) competition:

 • 1. A Philander & B Sebonka 45

 • 2. P Otto & El Matthee 45

 • 3. P Taylor & P Dry 43

 • 4. P Swart & M Dreyer 41

 • 5. D vd Merwe & F vd Merwe 41

 • 6. A Hage & M Tobias 40

 • 7. D van Dyk & D Coetzee 39

 • 8. P Loubser & R de Klerk 39 Nuusbrief/Newsletter, Jan 2022 Page 11

 • 9. L Lombaard & W van Coller 38

 • 10.M de Villiers & E Matthee 37

 • 11. F Bruwer & P Troost 37

 • 12. D Victor & C Bailey 36

 • 13. S Brown & C Whittal 36

 • 14. F Walters & H Groenewald 36

 • 15. J Coetzee & C Dippenaar 36

Photo: A Philander & B Sebonka

Die komitee en lede bedank Freddie Engelbrecht en OK Foods vir die borgpryse. The committee and members give thanks to our sponsors Freddie Engelbrecht and OK Foods.

Uitslae, Son 19 Des, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 19 Dec, 9 hole single stableford competition:

 • 1. Pieter Loubser 18

 • 2. Marietjie de Villiers 18

 • 3. D vd Colf 12

 • 4. Edwin Harris 12

 • 5. Malcolm Bury 11

 • 6. Kenny Aitkin 11

Uitslae, Woen 22 Des, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Wed 22 Dec, Single Stableford competition:

 • 1. Clive Bailey 34

 • 2. Marietjie de Villiers 33

 • 3. Solly wessels 32

 • 4. Johan Coetzee 3

 • 5. `Gerard Fick 27

 • 6. Phillip Taylor 27

 • 7. Neil Harrison 26

 • 8. Johan Pfister 26

 • 9. Leon Lombaard 22

Neil Harrison teken ‘n spog twee op putjie nr.2. He made a two club on hole no.2.

Uitslae, Vry 24 Des: OK Foods Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Fri 24 Dec: OK Foods Single Stableford competition:

 • 1. Ruan du Toit 16

 • 2. Gustav Rabe 12

 • 3. Johan Paulsen 10

 • 4. Deon Momberg 10

 • 5. Sakkie vd Merwe 10

Uitslae, Sat 25 Des, Kersdag Klub Gesluit: Results, Sat 25 Dec, Christmas Day Club Closed.

Uitslae, Son 26 Des, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 26 Dec, 9 hole single stableford competition: Geen kompetisie nie. No competition.

Uitslae, Sat 29 Des, Interdorp kompetisie: Results, Sat 29 Dec, Inter Town competition:

 • Gansbaai dorp wen die Interdorp met 28.67 gevolg deur Franskraal 26.7, Pearly Beach 25.2, Kleinbaai 24.25 en de Kelders 22.14. The Inter Town competition was won by Gansbaai Town with 28.67 followed by Franskraal 26.7, Pearly Beach 25.2, Kleinbaai 24.25 and de Kelders 22.14.

Die wenners in elke dorpsgebied is soos volg: The winners of each town area were as follows:

 • Franskraal: Joe Cesare 33, Piet de Bod 32, Athol Kent 31, Bev Swart 30

 • Gansbaai: Bejamen Sebonka 40, Willem Geldenhuys 35, Abraham Philander 34, Melvin Tobias 30

 • De Kelders: Clive Bailey 26, Cedric Whittal 25, Gina Esterhuizen 25, Leon Lombaard 23

 • Kleinbaai: Cobus Dippenaar 32, Hugo Groenewald 28, Francois vd Merwe 24, Bosman de Villiers 24

 • Pearly Beach: Bertie Laubscher 26, Johan Coetzee 26, EL Matthee 25, Pieter Moller 25

Januarie VERJAARSDAË! Januarie BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday, valued member!!! / Veels geluk, geagte lid!
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This Newsletter was compiled by Clive Bailey. You are welcome to contact the Club at: Hierdie Nuusbrief is deur Clive Bailey opgestel. U is welkom om die Klub te kontak, by: Golf email: gbgholf@gmail.com Web address: https://gansbaaigolfclub.com Facebook: Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club

January 2022 Newsletter / Januarie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. The Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbo...

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