April 2022 Newsletter / April 2022 Nuusbrief

April 2022 Newsletter / April 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

April 2022 Newsletter / April 2022 Nuusbrief

Die mees Suidelike Gholfbaan in Afrika / The Southernmost Golf course in Africa

“’n Natuurlike grasbaan, geleë in Kaapse Fynbos met ‘n sweem links in die somer”

“A natural grass course, situated in Cape Fynbos with a touch of links in summer”

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1. Ons is besig om ons eie webwerf op te stel - kyk gerus na https://gansbaaigolfclub.com Enige kommentaar en voorstelle is welkom! Stuur na gbgholf@gmail.com We are busy creating our own web site - take a look at https://gansbaaigolfclub.com. Any comments and proposals are welcome! Send to gbgholf@gmail.com.

2. Hierdie is jou nuusbrief. Maak dit asseblief vir ons lede meer interessant en stuur fotos, stories en ander nuus na gbgholf@gmail.com. This is your newsletter. Please make it more interesting for our members by sending photos, stories and other news to gbgholf@gmail.com.

3. “Die oudste Gansbaai Gholf en Overberg Sages speler is Elias Matthee. Beter bekend as El. Die jaar word hy 85, (19 November). Sowaar ‘n geseende ouderdom. Twee keer per week ry El van “ Die Dam “ na Gansbaai Gholfklub om aan ‘n gholf kompetisie deel te neem. Al sy bure weet dat hy twee keer per week na Gansbaai ry, en elkeen gee altyd vir hom 'n lysie van inkopies wat hy vir hulle moet doen van 'n Landbouweekblad tot 'n pakkie vuurhoutjies en pruim tabak. Vir Sages mis hy nie maklik 'n spel nie. El is ook al jare by Gansbaai Gholfklub 'n lid. Soos baie van julle weet is hy fanaties oor sport... veral gholf. Sy gunsteling rugby span is die "Blou Bulle"... jammer eindelik Stormers. Die jaar 1 April is hy en Alma 55 jaar getroud. Meer jare as baie van ons huidige gholfspelers se ouderdom. El en Alma is baie lief vir hul kleinseun wat in Brackenfell woon so hulle kuier ook gereeld oor en weer. El is besig om sy kleinseun ook te leer visvang en gholfspeel. El speel nog kookwater gholf en het die 30 ste Maart 2022 op gaatjie 15 'n spog twee aangeteken, "IPS" VYF punte. El is ook van die min gholf spelers van Gansbaai wat op Hermanus 'n kol hou aangeteken het. Sy gholf maats ken baie van El se gholf gesegdes - sou 'n vierbal maat 'n goeie hou of set sink se hy altyd "Ek is trots op jou."

El en Alma baie seën vir julle, ons is trots op julle.

The oldest golfer playing both at Gansbaai Golf Club and on the Overberg SAGES golf days is Elias Matthee. He is commonly known as El. This year he will be 85 on the 19th of November. A really blessed old age. El drives to Gansbaai from “Die Dam” twice a week to play in the golf competitions (Wednesdays and Saturdays). All his neighbours know that he regularly travels to Gansbaai and always give him a list of shopping to do for them, from a local magazine to a box of matches and priming tobacco. He hardly Nuusbrief/Newsletter, April 2022 Page 2 misses a SAGES competition. El has been a member of the Gansbaai Golf Club for many years. As many of you are aware he is a fanatical sports fan... especially golf. His favourite rugby team is the Blue Bulls... no, really the Stormers. This year on April 1st he and Alma will be married for 55 years. El and Alma are very fond of their grandson who lives in Brackenfell. They often visit each other. El still plays very good golf and as recently as the 30th of March 2022 he made a two club on hole number 15, (IPS) worth 5 points. El is one of a few players from Gansbaai Golf Club that has made a hole in one on the Hermanus golf course. His golfing mates know many of his golfing sayings - if one of his four ball companions makes a good shot or sinks a difficult putt he will comment “I am proud of you” for example.

El and Alma may you be richly blessed, we are all proud of you both.

4. Kaptein se Fotos / Captains Photos

5. Helmut Merensky sent in this photo with the following comment. “On the fairway of the ninth hole this Western Cape Mole didn’t find its way back to the underground. Certainly one or other member hasn’t seen this little nuisance!”

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6. Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:

Uitslae, Woen 2 Mar Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 2 Mar, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Johan Pfister 39

2. Rene Myburgh 37

3. Bev Swart 36

4. Hugo Groenewald 35

5. Solly Wessels 34

6. Gina Esterhuizen 33

7. Joe Cesare 33

8. Koos Myburgh 33

9. Cobus Dippenaar 33

10. Dawie Viljoen 33

11. Daan Victor 31

12. Johan Coetzee 31

13. Wally van Coller 30

Naaste aan die pen op nr. 17 was Brand vd Merwe en Dawie Viljoen teken ‘n spog twee aan op nr 11. Rene Myburgh en Hugo Groenewald wen die boerpotputjies op nr. 3, 9 & 15. Nearest the pin on no. 17 was Brand vd Merwe and Dawie Viljoen made a two club on no. 11. Rene Myburgh and Hugo Groenewald shared the jackpot prize on holes 3, 9 & 15.

Uitslae, Vry 4 Mar, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 4 Mar: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Pero Heyns 18

2. Toni Sauter 17

3. Koos Myburgh 1t

4. Jacobus Bothma 17

5. Kenny Aitken 15

6. John Smith 15

7. Pietie Uys 10

8. Deon Momberg 10

Uitslae, Sat 5 Mar, 4BBB Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 5 Mar, 4BBB Stableford Competition:

1. Willem Germishuys & Pieter Loubser 37

2. Daan Victor & Clive Bailey 36

3. Toni Sauter & Dirk van Dyk 36

4. Johan Coetzee & Cobus Dippenaar 36

5. Barry & Marie Fourie 35

6. Hugo Groenewald & Henri Visser 35

7. Johan Pfister & El Matthee 35

8. Deon Momberg & Gina Esterhuizen 34

9. Marietjie de Villiers & Rene Myburgh 34

10.Melvin Tobias & Andre Hage 32

Deon Momberg & Stephen Brown wen die “Most Golf” met 31 punte. Die komitee en leded bedank die Ligaspan vir die borgdag. Deon Momberg & Stephen Brown won the “Most Golf” with31 points. The committee and members extend their thanks to the League Team for their sponsorship.

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Willem Germishuys & Pieter Loubser

Uitslae, Son 6 Mar, 9 putjie 4BBB stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 6 Mar, 9 hole 4BBB stableford competition:

1. Pieter Loubser & Willem Geldenhuys 23

2. Cedric Whittal & Malcolm Bury 21

3. Christo Spanellis & George Hunt 20

4. Marietjie de Villiers & Brand vd Merwe 20

5. Johan Paulsen & Wouter Mentz 18

Adriaan Kloppers teken ‘n spog twee aan op nr. 15. He made a two club on no. 15.

Uitslae, Woen 9 Mar Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 9 Mar, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Pieter Otto 42

2. Daan Victor 38

3. Marietjie de Villiers 38

4. Clive Bailey 34

5. Johan Pfister 34

6. Joe Cesare 33

7. Hugo Groenewald 32

8. Johan Coetzee 30

9. John Wellman 30

10. Bev Swart 29

Naaste aan die pen op no.15 vanaf die rooi bowwe was Daan Victor. Spog Twee’s word aangeteken deur Johan Pfister (11), Marietjie de Villiers (17), Clive Bailey (17), Bev Swart (17). Nearest the pin on no. 15 from the red tees was Daan Victor. Two clubs were made by Johan Pfister (11), Marietjie de Villiers (17), Clive Bailey (17), Bev Swart (17).

Uitslae, Vry 11 Mar, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 11 Mar, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Pero Heyns 15

2. Pietie Dry 14

3. Kobus Booysen 14

4. Toni Sauter 13

5. Sakkie vd Merwe 13

6. John Smith 11

Uitslae, Sat 12 Mar, Jaarlikse Klubkampioenskappe kompetisie: Results, Sat 12 Mar, Annual Club Championships competition:

Barry Fourie tree as wenner en Manskampioen uit die stryd met 164 bruto, en die Dameskampioen was Marie Fourie met 190 bruto. Hartlik geluk aan albei van julle! Barry Fourie was crowned as men's club champion and Marie Fourie was crowned as Ladies Club Champion. Congratulations to both of you!

Die uitslag van die verskillende afdelings is soos volg: The results for the various categories were as follows:

A-Afdeling/Section: Pieter Loubser 165, Francois vd Merwe 168.

B-Afdeling/Section: Cobus Dippenaar 167, Johan Coetzee 172.

C-Afdeling/Section: Clive Bailey 190, Bertie Laubscher 200.

Dames Afdeling/Ladies Section: Rene Myburgh 197, Marietjie de Villiers 204, Gina Esterhuizen 209.

Pryse vir Beste Net/Prizes for the best nett: Daan Victor 143 en Marietjie de Villiers 154.

Hartlik geluk aan al die wenners en dankie vir julle deelname aan ‘n baie aangename dag! Hearty congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all who participated in a wonderful day’s golf.

Uitslae, Woen 16 Mar Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 16 Mar, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

Daar was geen gholf as gevolg van die hollowtyning van die setperke. No golf played because the greens were hollow tyned.

Uitslae, Vry 18 Mar, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 18 Mar, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 21

2. Kobus Booysen 20

3. John Smith 16

4. Pietie Dry 15

5. Pieter Uys 14

6. Owen Huxham 14

Uitslae, Sat 19 Mar, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 19 Mar, Single Stableford Competition:

1. Solly Wessels 37

2. Clive Bailey 36

3. Wally van Coller 36

4. Johan Coetzee 34

5. Marietjie de Villiers 32

6. Gina Esterhuizen 30

7. Athol Kent 28

8. Daan Victor 25

Solly Wessels teken ‘n Spog Twee aan op putjie 17. He made a two club on the 17th.

Uitslae, Son 20 Mar, 9 putjie 4BBB stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 20 Mar, 9 hole 4BBB stableford competition:

Geen gholf. No golf.

Uitslae, Woen 23 Mar, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 23 Mar, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Hugo Groenwald 42

2. Cecil Galloway 39

3. Gina Esterhuizen 37

4. Wally van Coller 37

5. Solly Wessels 36

6. Daan Victor 34

7. Clive Bailey 33

8. Johan Coetzee 33

9. Leon Lombaard 32

10. Joe Cesare 31

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Daan Victor (2), Hugo Groenewald (17), They made two clubs. Cecil Galloway wen die Boerpotputjies op nr. 1, 14 en 18. He won the jackpot on holes 1, 14 and 18.

Uitslae, Vry 25 Mar, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 25 Mar: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Pietie Uys 18

2. John Smith 16

3. Andrew Dalgleish 15

4. Kenny Aitken 15

5. Sakkie vd Merwe 14

6. Nico Jones 12

7. Marius Meywer 12

8. George Hunt 12

9. Wouter Mentz 12

10.Owen Huxham 11

Uitslae, Sat 26 Mar, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 26 Mar, Single Stableford competition:

1. Gina Esterhuizen 39

2. Marietjie de Villiers 36

3. Clive Bailey 36

4. El Matthee 35

5. Hugo Groenewald 34

6. Johan Pfister 33

7. Wally van Coller 33

8. Johan Coetzee 33

9. Cecil Galloway 33

10. Barrie Fourie 32

El Matthee teken ‘n spog twee aan op putjie nr. 8. He made a two club on hole no. 8.

Uitslae, Son 27 Mar, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 27 Mar, 9 hole single stableford competition:

1. Pieter Loubser 21

2. Marietjie de Villiers 19

3. Kobus Booysen 19

4. Malcolm Bury 18

5. George Hunt 12

6. Gustav Rabe 11

7. Kenny Aitken 10

8. Leon Diedericks 10

Uitslae, Woen 30 Mar, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 30 Mar, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Marietjie de Villiers 40

2. Hugo Groenewald 37

3. Leon Lombaard 35

4. Clive Bailey 34

5. El Matthee 33

6. Bev Swart 33

7. Wally van Coller 33

8. Joe Cesare 32

9. Daan Victor 31

10. Johan Pfister 29

El Matthee teke ‘n spog twee aan op putjie nr 15 en Wally van Coller wen die boerpot op nr 2, 7 &10. El Matthee made a two club on hole number 15 and Wally van Coller wont the jackpot on holes 2, 7 & 10.

Uitslae, Don 31 Mar, Sonondergang Houespel kompetisie: Results, Thur 31 Mar, Sundowner Medal competition:

1. Cecil Galloway 19

2. Johan Pfister 19

3. Leon Lombaard 17

Happy birthday, valued member!!! / Veels geluk, geagte lid!
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This Newsletter was compiled by Clive Bailey. You are welcome to contact the Club at: Hierdie Nuusbrief is deur Clive Bailey opgestel. U is welkom om die Klub te kontak, by: Golf email: gbgholf@gmail.com Web address: https://gansbaaigolfclub.com Facebook: Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club

April 2022 Newsletter / April 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. The Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbo...

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