May 2022 Newsletter / Mei 2022 Nuusbrief
Die mees Suidelike Gholfbaan in Afrika / The Southernmost Golf course in Africa
“’n Natuurlike grasbaan, geleë in Kaapse Fynbos met ‘n sweem links in die somer”
“A natural grass course, situated in Cape Fynbos with a touch of links in summer”
1. Ons is besig om ons eie webwerf op te stel - kyk gerus na Enige kommentaar en voorstelle is welkom! Stuur na We are busy creating our own web site - take a look at Any comments and proposals are welcome! Send to
2. Hierdie is jou nuusbrief. Maak dit asseblief vir ons lede meer interessant en stuur fotos, stories en ander nuus na This is your newsletter. Please make it more interesting for our members by sending photos, stories and other news to
3. Uitklop Kompetisies: Knockout Competitions:
Die eerste ronte uitklop kompetisies moet asseblief voltooi word voor die einde Mei! Please complete the first round of knockout competitions by the end of May!
4. Die Sondag 24ste April 2022 Pret dag (verslag duer Cedric Whittal): The Sunday 24th April 2022 Fun Day (Report by Cedric Whittal):
Bev Swart het amptelik die nuwe vermaaklikheids en braai area amptelik geopen op Sondag 2 April 2022 . Bev Swart oficially opened the new entertainment and braai area on the 2th April 2022.
Die formaat vir spel vir die dag was as volg: The format of play for the day was as follows:
1. Die gholf speler speel tot op die setperk en dan set die nie-spelende metgesel. The golfer plays till on the green and then the non-playing partner putts.
2. Bring en Braai
3. Set kompetisie. Putting competition.
Moet nie die volgende Winter Sondag Pretdag mis nie (Sop en Sjerrie). Do not miss the nextWinter Sunday Ffun day (Soup and Cherry).
21 pare het in die golf kompetisie gespeel en daarna gebring en braai. 21 couples partcipated in the golf competition and afterwards enjoyed the bring and braai.
Die Manne se set kompetisie was deur Willem Germishuys gewen en die Dames deut Francis Swart. The Men’s putting competition was won by willem Geldenhuys and the Ladie’s by Francis Swart.
Die resultate was as volg: The results were as follows:
1. Charlie and Jeanne Bent 2. Willem and Michelle Germishuys 3. Pieter and Roné Loubscher 4. Cedric and Ina Whial 5. Deon Momber and Cilla Bouwer 6. Malcolm and Debbie Bury 7. Gustav and Idalene 8. Kobus Booysen and Lanie 9. Andre and Juanita 10. Johan and Estelle Pauslen 11. George and Marlene Hunt 12. Gordon and Natalie Miles 13. Leon and Gerty Diedericks 14. Piet and Frieda Uys 15. Cobus and Gerda 16. Kenny Aitken and Awie vd Merwe 17. Edwin and Helga 18. Owen and Mari Huxhum 19. Marius Meyer and Karla Greef 20. Henry and Hilda Ford 21. Hester Coetzee and Johan vd Merwe
‘n Klompie fotos van die dag se pret. A few photographs of the day’s fun.
5. Die name agter ons nuwe borde op ons bowwe: The names behind the new hole layout signs on our tees:
Die projek om aanwysingsborde aan te bring het baie goed afgeloop. Die fokus was om die verskillende T bokse, setperke en algehele uitleg vir besoekers te vergemaklik. The project to put up hole sign boards was successfully completed. The idea was to provide hole layout and general information to visitors to the course.
Die kommittee wou koste efektief ‘n projek uniek aan ons baan ontwikkel. The Committee wanted to develope a unique, cost effective solution.
Na ‘n paar ondersoeke het ons uit eindelik ‘n profiel saamgestel wat ons kon gebruik. Die uitdaging was die befondsing asook die material wat sou benodig word. Die eerste konsep voorstel was aanvaar. After a number of iterations we finally came up with a solution we could work with. The challenge lay in the funding as well as the material to use. The first concept proposal was accepted.
Ons het met ‘n paar lede asook besoekers gesels om hul mening te kry. Na een Saterdag middag se gholf spel het ek weer met ‘n “country member” gesels om sy inset te kry. Sy vraag was hoeveel geld benodig julle om die projek te begin asook om dit klaar te maak? Ek was bietjie omkant gevang, ek het die bedrag genoem en hy het gesê stuur my julle bank besonderhede en ek betaal die fondse aan julle oor. We discussed the project with a number of club members as well as visitors to get their opinions. I had a discussion with a “country member” after one Saturday’s golf competition to get his opinion. He asked what the financial requirement would be to complete the project. This caught me by surprise and I mentioned the estimated cost. He asked me to send the club’s bank details and that he would make the necessary payment.
‘n Groot dankie aan Deon en Erika Oosthuizen vir julle uitsonderlike geskenk van ZAR 20000.00 vir hierdie projek. A huge thank you to Deon and Erika Oosthuizen for this exceponal donaon of ZAR20 000.00 for the project.
Deon en Erika Oosthuizen ons borg, met voloide bord nr, 1 met hulle besigheid se advertensie bord. Deon and Erika Oosthuizen, our sponsors, with the completed sign for tee no. 1. Their business adversing sign is also present.
Dencrom Trading is gesg in Maart 2018 toe Deon aetaal is by ‘n korporaewe maatskappy. Ek moes toe noodgedwonge iets doen vir ‘n inkomste. My ondevinding is in Bosbou en Afval bestuur, vir Bosbou sou ons moes terug trek Laeveld toe, Ouma het onmiddelik daarteen besluit want al die kleinkinders woon in die Kaap, en sodoende het ons (Erika en myself) die besigheid plaaslik begin in die herwinbare afval bedryf. Ons is betrokke by alle herwinbare produkte behalwe staal. Alhoewel ons gebasseer is in die Kaap, strek ons besigheid landswyd, ons voer ook herwinbare produkte in vanaf al ons buurlande, al hierdie produkte word tans verkoop aan plaaslike eindgebruikers. Ons het ‘n passie vir die natuur en sy omgewing, daarom is Dencrom se leuse dan ook “For A Beer Environment” Die besigheid gaan tans van krag tot krag, en hoop ons om eendag ‘n suksesvolle besigheid in die kinders se hande te los. Dencrom Trading was established in March 2018 when Deon was laid off by a corporate business. “I had no choice but to find something to do to earn an income. My experience was in forestry and waste management. To go into forestry would have meant moving back to the lowveld. Grandmother immediately decided against that because all the grandchildren live in the Cape. This meant that we (Erika and myself) started a local business in the reusable waste industry. We are involved in all forms of reusable waste with the excepon of steel. Although we are based in the Cape, we are busy naonwide. We also import reusable waste from neighbouring countries. All these products ar resold to local end users. We are passionate about nature and the environment. This is why our moo is “For A Beer Environment”. At the moment our business is going from strength to strength and we hope to, one day, hand a successful business on to our children”.
Die ontwerp van die borde is gedoen deur Hennie Groenewald.
Ek het verneem dat Hennie Groenewald – ‘n afgetrede advertensie-praksyn van Centurion af en wie nou in Hermanus woon - bereid was om die borde op ons baan te ontwerp en voor te berei vir drukwerk. I found out that Hennie Groenewald - a rered adversing-praconer originally from Centurion and now resident in Hermanus - was prepared to design the sign boards for our course as well as prepare them for prinng.
Hennie het dadelik bevesg dat hy dit vir ons kosteloos sou doen (behalwe vir sy reiskoste om na die detail van die baan te kom kyk). Hennie immediately confirmed that he would do it for us at no cost (with the excepon of travelling costs to and from the course to see what was needed).
“Ek het dit baie geniet om die werk te doen en dit is lekker om van my tyd, ervaring en talente te gebruik om ‘n verdienstelike doel te help bereik. Ek is self ‘n golfspeler vir baie jare en weet hoe moeilik dit soms gaan om ‘n klub nie net in stand te hou nie, maar ook om sigbare vooruitgang te maak. Dit was vir my ‘n plesier” sê Hennie. “I really enjoyed doing the work and it was a pleasure to use my me, experience and talents for this worthwhile cause. I, myself, am a golfer of many tears and understand how difficult it somemes is to, not only maintain a club, but also to bring about visible improvements. This was a pleasure for me to do” says Hennie.
Die houtpaal rame. The wooden pole frames.
Die uitdaging was wie sal vir ons die paal strukture van die borde kan maak. Na ‘n lang gesukkel het ek ‘n gereelde besoeker aan ons baan gekontak wat in die pe bedryf is het ek vir Rudi La Grange eienaar van Fynbos – “Wendy Homes” gekontak. Hy het vir my gevra wat se ontwerp ons wil gebruik. Hy was toe op vakansie by Natures Valley en hy het begin met ‘n ontwerp vir die borde. Ons het besluit op ‘n finale ontwerp. Die pale is aangery van Albernia, en Rudi het die rame vir ons in sy vrye tyd gemaak. Rudi het ook gehelp met die eerste plant van die heel eerste raam. Dankie ook aan Welcome en Thabo wat ook gehelp het met die projek. The challenge was to find someone to make the pole structures for our sign boards. Aer a long struggle I contacted a regular visitor to our club who works in this sort of industry - Rudi La Grange, owner of “Fynbos - Wendy Homes”. He asked me what the design was that we wanted. He was on holiday at the me in Natures Valley an he bagan with the design for mounng the sign boards. We decided on a final design. The wooden poles were brought in from Albernia and Rudi made the frames in his spare me. Rudi also assisted in planng the very first frame. A big thanks to Welcome and Thabo who assisted with the project.
Finale fase van projek. The Final phase of the project.
Huidiglik is al die borde geplant en borde is aangebring. Ons vertrou dat nog besighede ons sal ondersteun met advertensie borde wat aangebring kan word. Kontak ons gerus vir advertensies. As of now, all the sign boards have been put up. We are sure that more local businesses will support us by pung up their adversing boards. Feel free to contact us in this regard.
Johan Pfister.
6. Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:
Uitslae, Vry 1Apr, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 1 Apr: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:
1. Kobus Booysen 19 2. Lambert Smith 18 3. Nico Jones 16 4. Sakkie vd Merwe 15 5. Kenny Aitken 15 6. George Hunt 14 7. Johan Pieterse 11 8. John Smith 10 9. Hester Coetzee 8 10.Deon Momberg 6
Uitslae, Sat 2 Apr, 4BBB Stableford (voorkeur afslaan) Kompetisie: Results, Sat 2 Apr, 4BBB Stableford (preferred drive) Competition:
1. Daan Victor & Clive Bailey 45 2. Andrewe Dalgleish & Lambert Smith 42 3. Nico Jones & Rene Lambrecht 41 4. Dirk van Dyk & Johan Pieterse 39 5. Kobus Booysen & George Hunt 39 6. Rene Myburgh & Koos Myburgh 39 7. Kitchey & L Watson 39 8. Bev Swart & Francois vd Merwe 38 9. Deon Coetzee & Bertie Laubscher 38 10. Steve Muller & Kenny Aitken 38
Naaste aan penne op no.2 (geel bowwe) Andrew Dalgleish & Marietjie Visser vanaf die rooi bowwe. Johan Paulsen wen die langste set op putjie no.18. Nearest the pin on no. 2 (Yellow Tee) Andrew Dalgleish & Marietjie Visser from the Red Tee. Johan Paulson won the longest putt on no 18.
Uitslae, Son 3 Apr, 9 putjie Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 3 Apr, 9 hole Single Stableford competition:
1. Charlie Bent 17 2. Gustav Rabe 16 3. Marius Meyer 14 4. Deon Momberg 13 5. George Hunt 10 6. Hester Coetzee 10 7. Leon Diedericks 9
Uitslae, Woen 6 Apr Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 6 Apr, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:
Geen Gholf as gevolg van die weer nie. No golf because of the weather.
Uitslae, Vry 8 Apr, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 8 Apr, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:
1. Kobus Booysen16 2. Sakkie vd Merwe 15 3. George Hunt 14 4. Kenny Aitken 12 5. John Smith 10 6. Hester Coetzee 9
Uitslae, Sat 9 Apr, 4BBB Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 9 Apr, 4BBB Stableford competition:
1. Barry Fourie & Marie Fourie 38 2. Solly Wessels & Wally van Coller 35 3. Joe Cesare & El Matthee 33 4. Bev Swart & Bertie Laubscher 32 5. Cecil Galloway & Joe Cesare 32 6. Daan Victor & Clive Bailey 32 7. Louwrens van Lill & Hugo Groenewald 32 8. Johan Coetzee & Cobus Dippenaar 31 9. Leon Lombaard & Alex Mostert 31 10. Louwrens van Lill & Johannes Hanekom 25
Naaste aan die penne op no.17 was Hugo Groenewald (geel bof) en Marie Fourie (rooi bof). Nearest the pin on no. 17 was Hugo Groenewald (Yellow Tee) and Marie Fourie (Red Tee).
Uitslae, Son 10 Apr 4BBB Stableford 9 puitjie kompetisie: Results, Sun 10 Apr 4BBB Stableford 9 hole competition:
1. Christo Spanellis & Jnr Christo Spanellis 25 2. George Hunt & Kobus Booysen 25 3. Sakkie vd Merwe & Charlie Bent 19 4. Johan Paulsen & Kenny Aitken 18 5. Marietjie de Villiers & Athol Kent 18 6. Gordon Miles & Hannes Linde 18 7. Gustav Rabe & Leon Diedericks 16 8. Cedric Whittall & Malcolm Bury 14 9. Owen Huxham & Piet Uys 14 10.Hester Coetzee & Deon Momberg 13
Uitslae, Woen 13 Apr Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 13 Apr, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:
1. Daan Victor 40 2. Koos Myburgh 39 3. Hugo Groenewald 38 4. Bev Swart 36 5. Alex Mostert 36 6. Johan Coetzee 36 7. Marietjie de Villiers 36 8. Solly Wessels 34 9. Clive Bailey 34 10.Dirk van Dyk 33 11. Cecil Galloway 33
Naaste aan die pen op nr 17 was Clive Bailey (rooi bof). Marietjie de Villiers teken ‘n spog twee aan op putjie nr 17. Bev Swart en Clive Bailey deel die boerpotputjies op nr. 1, 6 en 17. Nearest the pin on no. 17 was Clive Bailey (red tee). Marietjie de Villiers made a two club on no. 17. Bev Swart and Clive Bailey shared the jackpot on hotels 1, 6 and 17.
Uitslae, Vry 15 Apr, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 15 Apr, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:
1. Gustav Rabe 20 2. Kobus Booysen 16 3. George Hunt 16 4. Deon Momberg 14 5. Sakkie vd Merwe 10
Uitslae, Sat 16 Apr, 4BBB Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 16 Apr, 4BBB Stableford Competition:
1. Willem Germishuys & Stephen Brown 42 2. Solly Wessels & Wally van Coller 42 3. Pieter Loubser & Francois vd Merwe 39 4. Barrie & Marie Fourie 39 5. Marietjie de Villiers & Athol Kent 38 6. Leon Lombard & Phillip Taylor 37 7. Lionel Kemm & C Kleinschmidt 37 8. Lionel Hugo & Fanus Walters 37 9. Johan Coetzee & Clive Bailey 35 10.Daan Victor en Rene Myburgh 35 11. Neil Harrison & G Flynt 35
Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Athol Kent (15), Pieter Loubser (11), Francois vd Merwe (8) en Daniel vd Merwe (17). Two Clubs were made by Athol Kent (15), Pieter Loubser (11), Francois vd Merwe (8) en Daniel vd Merwe (17)
Uitslae, Son 17 Apr, 9 putjie stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 17 Apr, 9 hole stableford competition:
1. Owen Huxham 18 2. Kobus Booysen 16 3. Malcolm Bury 16 4. Gustav Rabe 16 5. Charlie bent 15 6. Leon Diedericks 15 7. Johan Paulsen 15 8. Sakkie vd Merwe 23 9. George Hunt 11
Uitslae, Woen 20 Apr, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 20 Apr, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:
1. Alex Mostert 39 2. Johan Coetzee 35 3. Johan Pfister 31 4. Leon Lombaard 31 5. Solly Wessels 30 6. Joe Cesare 29 7. Cecil Galloway 29 8. Dawie Viljoen 28 9. Philip Taylor 28 10. El Matthee 26
Philip Taylor teken ‘n spog twee op putjie nr. 2. He made a two club on hole no. 2.
Uitslae, Vry 22 Apr, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 22 Apr: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:
1. Kenny Aitkin 20 2. Gustav Rabe 18 3. Kobus Booysen 17 4. Andre Gouws 17 5. Pietie Dry 16 6. Douw Lourens 15
Uitslae, Sat 23 Apr, 4BBB Houespel kompetisie: Results, Sat 23 Apr, BBB Medal competition:
1. Solly Wessles & Leon Lombaard 67 net 2. Cecil Galloway & Joe Cesare 68 3. Willem & Mike Germishuys 68 4. Solly Wessels &Alex Mostert 69 5. Neil Harrison & Steve Muller 70 6. Johan Coetzee & Cobus Dippenaar 70 7. Hugo Groenewald & Phillip Taylor 71 8. Johan Pfister & Daan Victor 72 9. Barry & Marie Fourie 72 10. Bev Swart & Bertie Laubscher 76
Hugo Groenewald teken ‘n spog twee aan op putjie nr. 2. He made a two club on hole no. 2.
Uitslae, Son 24 Apr, “Partner to Putt” kompetisie: Results, Sun 2 Apr, “Partner to Putt” competition:
1. Charlie & Jeannie Bent 36 2. Willem & Michelle Germishuys 37 3. Pieter & Ronel Loubser 39 4. Cedric & Ina Whittal 39 5. Deon Momberg & Cilla Bouwer 39 6. Malcolm & Debbie Bury 40 7. Gustav & Idalene Rabe 40 8. Kobus Booysen & Lalie Rene 42 9. Andre & Juanita Hage 42 10. Joan 7 Estelle Paulsen 42
Uitslae, Woen 27 Apr, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 7 Apr, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:
1. Daan Victor 39 2. Alex Mostert 38 3. Johan Pfister 37 4. Marietjie de Villiers 37 5. Johan Coetzee 36 6. Solly Wessels 35 7. Nico Jones 34 8. Dawie Viljoen 33 9. Cobus Dippenaar33 10. Stephen Brown 33
Daan Victor wen die naaste aan die pen op nr. 8 vanaf die geel bof. He was nearest the pin on no. 8 from the yellow tees.
Uitslae, Vry 29 Apr, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 29 Apr, 9 Hole single Stableford competition:
1. Kobus Booysen 18 2. George Hunt 15 3. Deon Momberg 9
Uitslae, Sat 30 Apr, 2 Bal American Scramble kompetisie: Results, Sat 30 Apr, 2 Ball American Scramble competition:
1. Willem Geldenhuys & Douw Lourens 66 net 2. Mike Germishuys & Adriaan Kloppers 67 3. Solly Wessels & Deon momberg 67 4. Malcolm Bury & Gina Esterhuizen 69 5. Cobus Dippenaar & H vd Merwe 69 6. El Matthee & Andrew Dalgleish 70 7. Leon Diedericks & Johan Paulsen 70 8. Hugo Groenewald & Fanus Walters 71 9. Joe Cesare & Cecil Galloway 72 10. Bev Swart & Bertie Laubscher 72 11. Athol Kent & Marietjie de Villiers 73 12.Neil Harrison & Steve Muller 74 13. Alex Mostert & Leon Lombaard 74 13. George Hunt & Stephen Brown 77
Uitslae, Son 1 Mei, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 1 May, 9 hole single stableford competition:
1. Athol Kent 19 2. Kobus Booysen 18 3. Malcolm Bury 17 4. Charlie Bent 17 5. Marietjie de Villiers 17 6. Johan Paulsen 16 7. Gordon Miles 13 8. Andrew Dalbleish 12 9. Owen Huxham 11
Happy birthday, valued member!!! / Veels geluk, geagte lid!
This Newsletter was compiled by Clive Bailey. You are welcome to contact the Club at: Hierdie Nuusbrief is deur Clive Bailey opgestel. U is welkom om die Klub te kontak, by: Golf email: Web address: Facebook: Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club