June 2022 Newsletter / Junie 2022 Nuusbrief

June 2022 Newsletter / Junie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

June 2022 Newsletter / Junie 2022 Nuusbrief

Die mees Suidelike Gholfbaan in Afrika / The Southernmost Golf course in Africa

“’n Natuurlike grasbaan, geleë in Kaapse Fynbos met ‘n sweem links in die somer”

“A natural grass course, situated in Cape Fynbos with a touch of links in summer”

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1. Ons is besig om ons eie webwerf op te stel - kyk gerus na https://gansbaaigolfclub.com Enige kommentaar en voorstelle is welkom! Stuur na gbgholf@gmail.com We are busy creating our own web site - take a look at https://gansbaaigolfclub.com. Any comments and proposals are welcome! Send to gbgholf@gmail.com.

2. Hierdie is jou nuusbrief. Maak dit asseblief vir ons lede meer interessant en stuur fotos, stories en ander nuus na gbgholf@gmail.com. This is your newsletter. Please make it more interesting for our members by sending photos, stories and other news to gbgholf@gmail.com.

3. Brief van Philip Taylor:

Geagte lede. Ek wil graag met hierdie skrywe, namens my en vele ander, poog om aan almal wat betrokke is met die talle projekte en verbeteringe hier by die gholfklub te bedank. Ek wil nie name noem nie maar u weet wat u bydrae hier by die klub is. Ek wil ook nie op mense se tone trap deur nie u bydrae te erken nie. Ek wil liewer uitlig wat so ongesiens en onvermeld die afgelope tyd hier by die gholfklub aan die gebeur is. Ons baan is tans in 'n uitstekende toestand. Veral die setperke is bykans onverbeterlik, sekerlik van die beste in die Overstrand, Overberg en omliggende bane. Die nuut opgerigte aanwysingsborde voorsien aan 'n groot behoefte en rond die baan uitstekend af. Die nuwe buitebraai voeg sommer baie waarde aan ons netjiese klubhuis toe en gaan beslis in die somertyd 'n wenner wees. Ek wil dus graag ons opregte dank en waardering uitspreek aan die klubhuispersoneel, diegene betrokke by die befondsing, ontwerp en oprigting van die aanwysingsborde en die buitebraai, almal betrokke by die instandhouding en voorbereiding van die baan en sommer aan almal wat betrokke is by die dag tot dag sake wat die klub maak wat dit is. Ek dink nie julle word genoeg bedank nie. Groetnis. Philip Taylor

Dear Members, On behalf of myself and many others I would like to thank all those that are busy with the many projects and improvements to the golf club. I do not want to mention any names but you all know who you are that are making a contribution to the club. I also want to avoid upsetting people by not acknowledging their contributions. I would rather expose that which has, unseen and unmentioned, lately been happening at the club. Our course is in a really good condition. The Nuusbrief/Newsletter, Jun 2022 Page 2 greens are in impeccable condition, probably the best in the Overstrand, Overberg and surrounding courses. The newly erected course notice boards contribute to a sorely needed requirement and round the course off nicely. The new outside area braai facility adds value to the club and our neat clubhouse and will definitely be a summertime winner. I therefore want to sincerely thank the clubhouse personnel, those that are involved in the funding, design and installation of the course notice boards and the outside braai area. Also including all who are involved in the maintenance and preparation of the course for play. This also includes everyone who is involved in the day to day running of the club that makes the club what it is. I think you all are not given the thanks that are due to you! Regards, Phillip Taylor

4. Nota van Johan Pfister: Note from Johan Pfister:

Die klub se bestuur het 9 aanwysings borde ontwikkel vir die baan. Daar is plek op die rame vir 15 advertensieborde. Twee is al opgeneem. Ons is in besprekinge met nog twee potesieële maatskappye wat belang stel on te adverteer. Daar is egter nog 11 prima plekke vir diens voorsieners of maatskappye om hulle besighede te adverteer. Die koste daaraan verbonde is R500 per advertensie. Die grootte van so ‘n advertensiebord is 800mm wyd x 300mm hoog.

Die klub kan behulpsaam wees met die ontwerp van so ‘n advertensie en om die bord aan die raam vas te heg.

The club management has developed nine signage boards on the course. On the frames we have space for 15 advertisement boards. Two have been taken so far. We are in discussion with another two potential companies who wish to advertise. We still have 11 prime spots for respective service providers or companies to promote their businesses. The cost per year is R 500 per advertisement. Size of a board is 800mm wide x 300mm high.

The club can assist in developing an advertising board and to affix the boards to the frame.

5. Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:

Uitslae, Son 1 Mei, 9 putjie Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 1 May, 9 hole Single Stableford competition:

1. Athol Kent 19 2. Cedric Whittal 19 3. Kobus Booysen 18 4. Malcolm Bury 17 5. Charlie Bent 17 6. Marietjie de Villiers 17 7. Johan Paulsen 18 8. Gordon Miles 13 9. Andrew Dalgleish 12 10.Owen Huxham 11

Uitslae, Woen 4 Mei Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 4 May, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Gina Esterhuizen 37 2. Daan Victor 35 3. Joe Cesare 35 4. Clive Bailey 34 5. Bev Swart 34 6. Cecil Galloway 33 7. Solly Wessels 32 8. John Wellman 31 9. Marietjie de Villiers 30 10. Johan Coetzee 30

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Solly Wessels (8) en Gina Esterhuizen (11). The made two clubs on the holes as indicated. Joe Ceasre wen die Boerpotputjies 4, 9 en 15. He won the jackpot on hoes 4, 9 & 15.

Uitslae, Vry 6 Mei, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 6 May, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

Geen gholf as gevolg van die weer. No golf because of bad weather.

Uitslae, Sat 7 Mei, Houespel kompetisie: Results, Sat 7 May, Medal competition:

1. Johan Coetzee 71 net 2. Marie Fourie 72 3. Phillip Taylor 73 4. Stephen Brown 73 5. Solly Wessels 74 6. Clive Bailey 76 7. Hugo Groenewald 77 8. Wally van Coller 78 9. Rene Myburgh 79 10. Joe Cesare 79

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Solly Wessels (8), Clive Bailey (11), Hugo Groenewald (17) en Charlie Bent (17). They made two clubs on the holes indicated.

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Johan Coetzee

Uitslae, Son 8 Mei Stableford 9 puitjie kompetisie: Results, Sun 8 May Stableford 9 hole competition:

1. Charlie bent 20 2. Gustav Rabe 20 3. Kobus Booysen 19 4. Deon Momberg 17 5. Hein 16 6. George Hunt 16 7. Malcolm Bury 16 8. Christo Spanellis 15 9. Marietjie de Villiers 13 10. Kenny Aitken 12 11. Hester Coetzee 10

Uitslae, Woen 11 Mei Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 1May, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Johan Coetzee 41 2. Solly Wessels 39 3. Cobus Dippenaar 39 4. Phillip Taylor 39 5. Bev Swart 35 6. Dawie Viljoen 35 7. Johan Pfister 35 8. Dirk van Dyk 35 9. Hugo Groenewald 34 10. El Matthee 34

Naaste aan die pen op nr 2 was Solly Wessels (geel bof). Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Phillip Taylor (8) en Dirk van Dyk (17). Nearest the pin on no. 2 was Solly Wessels (yellow tee). Two clubs were made by Phillip Taylor (8) and Dirk van Dyk (17)..

Uitslae, Vry 13 Mei, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 13 May, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Koos Myburgh 20 2. Kenny Aitken 18 3. Johan Paulsen 16 4. Kobus Booysen 15 5. Gustav Rabe 15 6. Leon le Grange 13

Uitslae, Sat 14 Mei, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 14 May, Single Stableford Competition:

1. Anton Theunissen 38 2. Daniel vd Merwe 36 3. Willem Germishuys 35 4. Marietjie de Villiers 34 5. Johan Coetzee 33 6. Bev Swart 33 7. Phillip Taylor 32 8. Daan Victor 31 9. Lambert Smith 30 10. Joe Cesare 30

Naaste aan die pen op nr. 15 was Bev Swart (geel bof) en Marietjie de Villiers teken ‘n spog twee aan opo putjie nr 15. Nearest the pin on no. 15 was Bev Swart (yellow tee) and Marietjie de Villiers made a two club on no.15.

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Anton Theunissen

Uitslae, Son 15 Mei, 2 bal American Scramble kompetisie: Results, Sun 15 May, 92 ball American Scramble competition:

1. Christo Spanellis & Malcolm Bury 31 net 2. Cedric Whittal & Marietjie de Villiers 33 3. Barrie & Marie Fourie 33 4. Charlie Bent & Kobus Booysen 34 5. Pieter Loubser & Willem Germishuys 36 6. Lenny Aitken & Wouter Mentz 37 7. Deon Momberg & George Hunt 37 8. Owen Huxham & Johan Paulsen 40 9. Leon Diedericks & Gustav Rabe 40

Uitslae, Woen 18 Mei, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 18 May, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Marietjie de Villiers 35 2. Koos Myburgh 34 3. Wally van Coller 34 4. Solly Wessels 34 5. Cobus Dippenaar 34 6. Dawie Viljoen 33 7. Hugo Groenewald 32 8. Daan Victor 31 9. John Wellman 28 10. Joe Cesare 27

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Dawie Viljoen (15) en Cobus Dippenaar (8). They made 2 clubs on the hotels indicated.

Uitslae, Vry 20 Mei, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 20 May: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Kenny Aitkin 18 2. Sakkie vd Merwe 17 3. Gustav Rabe 17 4. George Hunt 14 5. Owen Huxham 14 6. Johan Paulsen 13

Uitslae, Sat 21 Mei, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 21 May, Single Stableford competition:

1. Cecil Galloway 41 2. Daan Victor 33 3. Leon Lombaard 33 4. Clive Bailey 33 5. Joe Cesare 31 6. El Matthee 31 7. Marietjie de Villiers 31 8. Johan Pfister 30 9. Gina Esterhuizen 27 10. Phillip Taylor 26

Clive Bailey teken ‘n spog twee aan op putjie nr. 15. He made a two club on hole no. 15.

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Cecil Galloway

Uitslae, Son 22 Mei, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 22 May, Single Stableford competition:

1. Johan Paulsen 22 2. Gustav Rabe 19 3. Charlie Bent 17 4. George Hunt 17 5. Wouter Mentz 16 6. Leon Diedericks 15 7. Marietjie de Villiers 15 8. Kenny Aitken 14 9. Cedric Whittal 14 10.Owen Huxham 13

Uitslae, Woen 25 Mei, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 25 May, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Leon Lombaard 34 2. Marietjie de Villiers 34 3. Clive Bailey 34 4. Solly Wessels 33 5. El Matthee 32 6. Joe Cesare 32 7. Dawie Viljoen 32 8. Dirk van Dyk 31 9. Johan Pfister 31 10.Cecil Galloway 30

Leon Lombaard wen die boerpotputjies op 4, 7 & 18. He won the jackpot on holes 4,7 & 18

Uitslae, Vry 27 Mei, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 27 may, 9 Hole single Stableford competition:

1. Kobus Booysen 17 2. John Smith 16 3. Sakkie vd Merwe 16 4. Kenny Aitken 15 5. Jacobus Bothma 14 6. George Hunt 14 7. Hester Coetzee 12

Uitslae, Sat 28 Mei, Gekombineerde Hoespel kompetisie: Results, Sat 28 May, Combined Medal competition:

1. Cecil Galloway & Joe Cesare 148 2. Daan Victor & Clive Bailey 157 3. Marietjie de Villiers & Leon Lombaard 158 4. Solly Wessels 7 Wally van Coller 158 5. Phillip Taylor & Stephen Brown 158 6. El Matthee & Johan Pfister 159 7. Johan Coetzee & Cobus Dippenaar 161 8. Bertie Laubscher & Werner Theron 166 9. Bev Swart & Monica Laubscher 167

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Cecil Galloway (11) en Bev Swart (17). The made two clubs on the holes indicated.

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Cecil Galloway & Joe Cesare

Uitslae, Son 29 Mei, 9 putjie enkel stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 29 May, 9 hole single stableford competition:

Geen golf as gevolg van die reën. No golf because of the rain.

Happy birthday, valued member!!! / Veels geluk, geagte lid!
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This Newsletter was compiled by Clive Bailey. You are welcome to contact the Club at: Hierdie Nuusbrief is deur Clive Bailey opgestel. U is welkom om die Klub te kontak, by: Golf email: gbgholf@gmail.com Web address: https://gansbaaigolfclub.com Facebook: Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club

June 2022 Newsletter / Junie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. The Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbo...

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