
July 2022 Newsletter / Julie 2022 Nuusbrief

July 2022 Newsletter / Julie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

July 2022 Newsletter / Julie 2022 Nuusbrief

Die mees Suidelike Gholfbaan in Afrika / The Southernmost Golf course in Africa

“’n Natuurlike grasbaan, geleë in Kaapse Fynbos met ‘n sweem links in die somer”

“A natural grass course, situated in Cape Fynbos with a touch of links in summer”

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1. Ons is besig om ons eie webwerf op te stel - kyk gerus na Enige kommentaar en voorstelle is welkom! Stuur na We are busy creating our own web site - take a look at Any comments and proposals are welcome! Send to

2. Hierdie is jou nuusbrief. Maak dit asseblief vir ons lede meer interessant en stuur fotos, stories en ander nuus na This is your newsletter. Please make it more interesting for our members by sending photos, stories and other news to

3. Die Algemene Jaarvergadering vind plaas te 4 Augustus 2022 om 17h30 by die klub. The Annual General Meeting will take place on the 4th August 2022 at 17h30 in the clubhouse.


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Kom geniet 'n kuieraand van lekker stories en musiek met Pietman Geldenhuys.

Kerrie en rys is by jou kaartjie ingesluit.

Kontant kroeg is beskikbaar.

Datum: Saterdag, 8 Oktober 2022, 19:00

Kaartjie Koste: R250

Koop kaartjies hier.

Come join us at Gansbaai Golf club with Pietman Geldenhuys from OppieStoep.

Curry and rice are included with your ticket.

Cash bar available.

Date: 8th October 2022 starting at 19:00

Ticket Cost: R250

You can buy tickets here.

Borge / Sponsors: DENCROM en Renault Worcester

5. Die uitslae van kompetisies wat nog nie gepubliseer is nie, is as volg: The results for competitions, not yet published, are as follows:

Uitslae, Woen 1 Jun Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 1 Jun, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Solly Wessels 34 2. Johan Coetzee 33 3. Leon Lombaard 32 4. Joe Cesare 32 5. Dawie Viljoen 32 6. Cecil Galloway 31 7. Bev Swart 30 8. Wally van Coller 30 9. Daan Victor 29 10.Cobus Dippenaar 29

Spog twee word aangeteken deur Cecil Galloway op nr 15. He made a two club on hole no. 15.

Uitslae, Vry 3 Jun, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 3 Jun, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 18 2. George Hunt 16 3. Pieter Uys 16 4. Johan Smith 14 5. Wouter Mentz 12 6. Owen Huxham 11

Uitslae, Sat 4 Jun, Houespel kompetisie: Results, Sat 4 Jun, Medal competition:

1. Dirk van Dyk 66 net 2. Marietjie de Villiers 70 3. Clive Bailey 71 4. Stephen Brown 71 5. Solly Wessels 72 6. Gustav Rabe 73 7. Johan Coetzee 75 8. Wally van Coller 75 9. Marnelle Steyl 76 10. Joe Cesare 76

Naaste aan die penne op nr 17 was Charlie Bent (geel bof) en Marietjie de Villiers (rooi bof). Marietjie teken ‘n spog twee aan op no 17. Nearest the pin on no 17 was Charlie Bent (yellow tee) and Marietjie de Villers (red tee). Marietjie made a two club on no. 17.

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Dirk van Dyk

Uitslae, Son 5 Jun 2 Bal American Scramble kompetisie: Results, Sun 5 Jun 2 Ball American Scramble competition:

1. Pieter Loubser & Daniel vd Merwe 28 net 2. Flip Kriel & Gordon Miles 31 3. Johan Paulsen & Kenny Aitken 32 4. Charlie Bent & John Smith 34 5. Malcolm Bury & Johan du Preez 34 6. Andre Hage & Willem Germishuys 35 7. Owen Huxham & Piet Uys 35 8. Christo Spanellis & Christo Spanellis Jnr 36 9. Marietjie de Villiers & Athol Kent 36

Uitslae, Woen 8 Jun Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 8 Jun, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Marietjie de Villiers 41 2. Joe Cesare 39 3. Phillip Taylor 37 4. Cobus Dippenaar 37 5. Wally van Coller 36 6. Clive Bailey 34 7. Bev Swart 34 8. Hugo Groenewald 34 9. El Matthee 33

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Nico Latsky (11), Wally van Coller (11) en Marietjie de Villiers (2). Phillip Taylor wen die boerpot op putjies 1,6 en 16. Two clubs were made by Nico Latsky (11), Wally van Coller (11) en Marietjie de Villiers (2). Phillip Taylor won die jackpot op holes 1,6 en 16.

Uitslae, Vry 10 Jun, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 10 Jun, 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Kenny Aitken 23 2. Pietie Uys 20 3. Charlie Bent 18 4. Koos Myburgh 17 5. Lambert Smith 16 6. Edward Harris 16 7. Wouter Mentz 16 8. Sakkie vd Merwe 16 9. Owen Huxham 15 10. Kobus Booysen 15

Uitslae, Sat 11 Jun, Enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Sat 11 Jun, Single Stableford Competition:

1. Joe Cesare 47 2. Solly Wessels 42 3. Rene Myburgh 41 4. Wally van Coller 41 5. Koos Myburgh 36 6. Leon Lombaard 36 7. Cobus Dippenaar 36 8. Stephen Brown 36 9. Dirk van Dyk 34 10. El Matthee 34

Spog twee’s word aangeteken deur Johan Coetzee (17), Joe Cesare (8) en Dirk van Dyk (11). Two clubs were made by Johan Coetzee (17), Joe Cesare (8) and Dirk van Dyk (11).

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Joe Cesare

Uitslae, Son 12 Jun, 2 bal American Scramble kompetisie: Results, Sun 12 Jun, 92 ball American Scramble competition:

Uitslag nie beskikbaar nie. Result not available.

Uitslae, Woen 15 Jun, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 15 Jun, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Bev Swart 36 2. Daan Victor 32 3. Johan Coetzee 32 4. Wally van Coller 30 5. Solly Wessels 30

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Bev Swart

Uitslae, Vry 17 Jun, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 17 Jun: 9 hole single Stableford Competition:

1. Pieter Uys 17 2. Sakkie vd Merwe 17 3. George Hunt 16 4. Koos Myburgh 16 5. Gustav Rabe 16 6. Pietie Dry 14 7. Pero Heyns 13 8. Leon Diedericks 13

Uitslae, Sat 18 Jun, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 18 Jun, Single Stableford competition:

Gholf is gekanselleer as gevolg van die ysige weer maar, die klub het weergalm van die entoesiastiese aanmoediging van toeskouers wie ons twee top rugbyspanne ondersteun en aangemoedig het. Daar was uitbundige toejuiging nadat die Stormers die Kaap weer Hollands gemaak het! Ons dank aan Johan Paulsen wat hierdie lieflike byeenkoms georganiseer het. Almal was duidelik trots dat twee spanne van Suid-Afrika albei wenners was – ‘n pragtige prestasie vir Suid-Afrika.

No golf because of bad weather conditions. However, the club resounded with the enthusiastic encouragement of the spectators watching the United Rugby Cup final between the Stormers and the Bulls. There was a resounding uproar when the stormers brought the cup back to the Cape of Storms beating the bulls.Our thanks to Johan Paulsen who arranged this great event! It was clear that everyone was proud of the two teams involved - an achievement for South Africa!

Uitslae, Son 19 Jun, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 19 Jun, Single Stableford competition:

1. Johan Paulsen 22 2. Gustav Rabe 19 3. Charlie Bent 17 4. George Hunt 17 5. Wouter Mentz 16 6. Leon Diedericks 15 7. Marietjie de Villiers 15 8. Kenny Aitken 14 9. Cedric Whittal 14 10.Owen Huxham 13

Uitslae, Woen 22 Jun, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 22 Jun, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Hugo Groenewald 39 2. Bev Swart 38 3. Cobus Dippenaar 36 4. Leon Lombaard 36 5. Clive Bailey 34 6. Cecil Galloway 33 7. Lambert Smith 33 8. Rene Lambrecht 33 9. Solly Wessels 32 10. Johan Pfister 32

Leon Lombaard wen die boerpotputjies op 1, 5 & 16. He won the jackpot on holes 1, 5 & 16.

Uitslae, Vry 24 Jun, 9 putjie enkel Stableford Kompetisie: Results, Fri 24 Jun, 9 Hole single Stableford competition:

1. Charlie Bent 19 2. Gustav Rabe 19 3. Andrew Dalgleish 15 4. Kenny Aitken 15 5. Jacobus Bothma 14 6. Sakkie vd Merwe 14 7. George Hunt 13 8. Koos Myburgh 12 9. Pero Heyns 11 10.Hester Coetzee 11

Uitslae, Sat 25 Jun, Gekombineerde Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sat 25 Jun, Combined Single Stableford competition:

1. Joe Cesare & El Matthee 63 2. Solly Wessels & Stephen Brown 63 3. Johan Coetzee & Barrie Fourie 62 4. Leon Lombaard & Wally van Coller 58 5. Dirk van Dyk & Barry Fourie 58 6. Gina Esterhuizen & Cecil Galloway 58 7. Willem Germishuys & Marietjie de Villiers 58 8. Hugo Groenewald & Fanus Walters 57 9. Steve Muleer & Johan Pfister 53 10. Johan Pieterse & Malcolm Bury 53

Hugo Groenewald teken ‘n Spog Twee aan op putjie no.8. He Made a two club on hole no. 8.

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Joe Cesare & El Matthee

Uitslae, Son 26 Jun, Enkel Stableford kompetisie: Results, Sun 26 Jun, Single Stableford competition:

1. Sakkie vd Merwe 18 2. Gustav Rabe 18 3. Kenny Aitken 18 4. Charlie Bent 17 5. Wouter Mentz 16 6. Marietjie de Villiers 16 7. Barry Fourie 16 8. Malcolm Bury 15 9. Piet Uys 15 10.Marie Fourie 14 11. Cedric Whittal 14

Uitslae, Woen 29 Jun, Enkel Stableford (Sloegters) kompetisie: Results, Wed 29 Jun, Single Stableford (Sloegters) competition:

1. Leon Lombaard 40 2. Koos Myburgh 40 3. Solly Wessels 38 4. Clive Bailey 36 5. Johan Pfister 36 6. Marietjie de Villiers 35 7. Daan Victor 35 8. El Matthee 32 9. Alex Mostert 31 10.Dawie Viljoen 31

Johan Pieterse teken ‘n arend aan op putjie no 6. He made an eagle on hole number 6



Happy birthday, valued member!!! / Veels geluk, geagte lid!

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This Newsletter was compiled by Clive Bailey. You are welcome to contact the Club at: Hierdie Nuusbrief is deur Clive Bailey opgestel. U is welkom om die Klub te kontak, by: Golf email: Web address: Facebook: Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club

July 2022 Newsletter / Julie 2022 Nuusbrief

Gansbaai Golf Club

Gansbaai Golf Club has a beautiful 9-hole (18-tee) golf course nestled between blankets of indigenous fynbos and the ocean in Kleinbaai. The golf course has a links-style layout with stunning sea views from most fairways. The Gansbai Golf Club has permanent spectators, including resident Cape Grysbo...

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