Welcome to the Hermanus Blog
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Hermanus Bird Watching
Wine & Co, Hermanus - With Bee...
Thank you for your support over the weekends!
Lean Lockdown Lifestyle Challe...
A few of my patients and friends are saying that the lockdown is bad for their health and that they put on a lot of weight.
Homemade Meals & Other Essenti...
Die Plaaskombuis is getting ready to start cooking again!
Daily Blog | Cage Diving South...
It was an early start for Slashfin's first groups of guests this morning as we tried to make the best of the nice weather gap with a launch onto a calm bay.
Welcome To Whale Season 2019.....
2 Species Of Whale, 2 Species Of Dolphin And The Marine Big 5, 01 June 2019.
Aerial Tour Options
Overberg Aviation offers a host of aerial tours that include but are not limited to the following.
Hermanus – A Whale Watching ...
Xplore a Whale Watching Mecca..
Top 10 Things To Do In Hermanu...
The bustling coastal town of Hermanus is well-known as a popular holiday destination in South Africa and it comes as no surprise as to why.
STRESS is all around us.
Wine & Co, Hermanus - with beer from Belgi...
Thank you for your support over the weekends!
Lean Lockdown Lifestyle Challenge
A few of my patients and friends are saying that the lockdown is bad for their health and that they put on a lot of weight.
Homemade Meals & Other Essential Goods
Die Plaaskombuis is getting ready to start cooking again!
Daily Blog | Cage Diving South Africa
It was an early start for Slashfin's first groups of guests this morning as we tried to make the best of the nice weather gap with a lau...
Welcome to Whale Season 2019....
2 Species Of Whale, 2 Species Of Dolphin And The Marine Big 5, 01 June 2019.
Aerial Tour Options
Overberg Aviation offers a host of aerial tours that include but are not limited to the following.
Hermanus – A Whale Watching Mecca
Xplore a Whale Watching Mecca..
Top 10 Things To Do in Hermanus
The bustling coastal town of Hermanus is well-known as a popular holiday destination in South Africa and it comes as no surprise as to why. ...