Kleinmond, Western Cape, South Africa
Kleinmond is a manageable 90-minute drive from the city of Cape Town. The driving directions to get to Kleinmond are either on the R44 around the coast via Clarence Drive (also known as the scenic route) past Rooi Els, Pringle Bay and Betty's Bay or on the N2 over Sir Lowry’s Pass and then back along the coast.
The village of Kleinmond falls within the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve and offers residents and visitors to the area a multitude of outdoor activities that include a pristine blue flag beach and the Palmiet River estuary and lagoon, both of which are home to an abundance of fish, animal and birdlife. The surrounding nature reserve stretches across 18,000 hectares that includes the Kogelberg Mountain Range that is blanketed with over 1,600 species of Fynbos.
Kleinmond’s unhindered natural lifestyle is an attractive option for visitors who want to trade city life for relaxed coastal living. Property is readily available and there are many estate agents in Kleinmond ready to help your property dreams come true.
The village is the main commercial point for the residents of Hangklip, Pringle Bay and Betty’s Bay as well as the local Kleinmond community. Discover a vibey yet unhurried shopping experience with the wide selection of boutique shops, galleries and well-stocked supermarkets that have everything you would expect to find in larger towns.
If the village makes you want to drop anchor for a night or two, then you are in for a treat because the Kleinmond accommodation options include everything from entry-level self-catering homes to high-end guesthouses.
Food lovers are in for a gastronomic experience and are spoiled for choice with Kleinmond’s selection of coffee shops, restaurants and pubs. Many of these gathering spots offer live music and have become a social destination for residents, visitors and tourists to Kleinmond.
When you aren’t busy making new friends in this lovely village you can keep yourself busy with some of the many things to do in Kleinmond and the surrounding area. Stroll the coastline and keep your eyes on the ocean in whale season. During the months of June to December hundreds of Southern Right Whales cruise the waters of the Atlantic with their calves. If you greet the day at dawn, you may be lucky enough to spot South Africa’s only herd of free-roaming wild horses that graze at Rooisand Nature Reserve.
The village has so much to offer and Kleinmond’s news is well-worth keeping up-to-date with so that you don’t miss out on a single thing.
Kleinmond Top Attractions
Situated amongst mountains, ocean, lagoon and river, Kleinmond has a list of top attractions to keep everyone busy and happy! Discover the u...
Kleinmond Galleries
Be inspired and browse through the Image & Video library to see the photos and videos that the Kleinmond community shares. Select your inter...
Hangklip - Kleinmond Tourism
Welcome to Hangklip - Kleinmond Tourism. Hangklip - Kleinmond Tourism is your information portal for everythin...
Hangklip - Kleinmond Tourism
- Tel 1: 028 271 8474
- Tel 2: 079 744 0299
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