Your Goals for 2024!
There are a few questions to ask as you set out creating a new future through the goals you choose today.
1. Is this my goal or am I doing it because of .....?
2. Does this goal excite me or am I doing it out of guilt?
3. What is my motivation behind this goal?
4. How committed am I to this goal? What am I prepared to "pay" for this goal? (Not always money related - family, hobbies, study, etc.)
5. When I achieve this goal, would I be nearer my dream?
6. What do I have in the "bag" already, what must I source?
7. What will this goal challenge within me?
These are only a few questions to consider as you are moving forward towards that amazing future you have in your vision. Take time with your goals, understand them, own them, and then set out with daily steps towards your achievement.
Always have fun. Always be kind to yourself. No other person can stop you - you have got this.