Empowering Leadership: Unleashing Creativity and Building Strong Teams
I was listening to a podcast this morning where the interviewee said when Steve Jobs was asked out of everything he created, what was the best? His reply was the team he created.
As entrepreneurs we want a strong team to help us achieve the dream we have. As the team leader we should be leading and open up opportunities - you already did well, look at what you have already created.
When we get out of our own way through the limiting beliefs we hold, we give ourselves the opportunity to think wider and bigger. In the process we give our team wings and together we can achieve our dreams.
As a team leader, before you do anything, it is your responsibility to clear yourself of any emotional and belief limitations you might hold that can spill over onto your team.
Are you brave enough to understand that as a leader you are first in line? As first in line you can only be as creative as you should be when you are free of your emotional and belief limitations.
What do you bring to your team?