Mastering Happiness: Finding Joy Within
If you believe that your happy life is out there, waiting for you to be discovered, you will be the eternal conqueror. You will be "fighting" battle after battle to discover where your happiness is hiding. You might "taste" it from time to time, but it will escape your grasp and you will be back on the road to find it.
Once we realise that our happiness can only be found within, we become the creator of the happiness. Even that split second of happiness that you found "out there" was something you could feel within. Happiness can only be generated from within.
When happiness is your status quo it is yours to have for always. It is there every moment to enjoy. It becomes such a familiar environment that you forget to search outside and you focus on doing everything that will keep you in that state.
Love is our natural state. Happiness is one of the feeders of that love. It can only be mastered within.