
Twee Nuwe SAPD Stasiebevelvoerders vir Gansbaai en Hermanus

Twee Nuwe SAPD Stasiebevelvoerders vir Gansbaai en Hermanus

Gans-Berg Nuus / News

Twee Nuwe SAPD Stasiebevelvoerders vir Gansbaai en Hermanus

-Gansbaai SAPD en Hermanus SAPD-

Gansbaai SAPD, asook Hermanus SAPD, het gelyktydig nuutaangestelde Stasiebevelvoerders vir die onderskeie polisiekantore gekry. In Gansbaai is Lt.Kolonel Jacobus Janse van Rensburg aangestel en in Hermanus Kolonel Gustaf Tamboer.

Maandagoggend, 5 Mei 2024 was ‘n besonderse geleentheid by Gansbaai SAPD. Die stasie se offisiere en beamptes het saam met enkele besoekers in die raadsaal vergader. Kapt Gerda Groenewald, Gansbaai SAPD se Waarnemende Stasiebevelvoerder gedurende die afgelope tyd, het die verwelkoming behartig. Sy het ds Floors Avenant en Deon Naude vir die opening aan die woord gestel. Floors het ‘n gepaste gedeelte uit die Bybel voorgelees, met die kern boodskap as “In diens van geregtigheid” (In Service of Justice), waarna Deon ‘n gebed gedoen het.

Adj.-Offisier Woensdrecht Basson het die SAPD se Code of Conduct voorgelees. Daarna het Kapt Groenewald die stasie se lede aan Lt.-Kolonel Janse van Rensburg voorgestel. In sy boodskap het hy onder andere gesê: “Ek sien uit na my nuwe uitdaging en, ek respekteer julle, julle respekteer my, aangesien samewerking noodsaaklik is.” Dit was verblydend dat Lt.-Kolonel Janse van Rensburg dit duidelik gestel het dat hy so gou as moontlik die onderskeie besture van alle Buurtwagte en die CPF wil ontmoet. Dit dui ongetwyfeld op bande bou en om by die gemeenskap uit te kom.

Die Gans-Berg Nuus se Redaksiespan en lesers wens altwee die nuutaangestelde Stasiebevelvoerders van harte geluk met hulle aanstellings en wens hulle alle sterkte toe met hulle nuwe verantwoordelikhede.

(The following information regarding both Station Commanders was provided by Sergeant Abigail Naidoo, Corporate Communications Overberg District SAPS)

Gansbaai SAPS Station Commander

Lt.-Colonel Jacobus Janse van Rensburg

Lt.-Colonel Janse van Rensburg was born in Postmasburg in the Kalahari. He joined the SAPS on the 10th of January 1994, just over 30 years ago. He started his career in the Western Province at the Parliament. In December 2000 he was transferred to Napier, as a Sergeant. He worked through the ranks till he was promoted to the rank of Captain in 2017 as the Station Commander of Napier SAPS. “On 30 April 2024, I was promoted to the rank of Lt.-Colonel as Station Commander of Gansbaai SAPS, and this is the biggest achievement in my life,” he said. “I am also thankful to my wife and 3 children for their support in my career.”

“My focus area will be the area where the most crimes are being reported,” Lt.-Colonel Janse van Rensburg told the Gans-Berg News. “To do that, I need the support of the broader community of Gansbaai.” He said he is looking forward to crime challenges and do believe in God to help him to make Greater Gansbaai a safer place.

Hermanus SAPS Station Commander

Colonel Gustaf Tamboer

Colonel Tamboer was born in Riviersonderend. He joined the SAPS on the 1st of January 1991, just over 33 years ago. He started his career in the Northwest Province in a town called Vryburg. In 1994 he was transferred to Riviersonderend, still as a constable. He went through the ranks till he was promoted to the rank of Captain in 2010 as the Station Commander of Riviersonderend. In 2013, he was transferred to Genadendal and in 2018 he was promoted to the rank of Lt- Colonel and Station Commander. On 30 April 2024, he was promoted to the rank of Colonel as Station Commander of Hermanus. “This is the biggest achievement in my police career which I dreamed of and for which my parents should have been grateful,” Colonel Tamboer said. “All the honour to Jesus Christ, and I am also thankful to my wife and children for their support in my career for almost 30 years in the Overberg District.”

Colonel Tamboer said his focus area for the broader Hermanus will be the area where most crimes are being reported. “To do that, I need the support of the broader community of Hermanus because teamwork is dreamwork.” He also said he is looking forward to the challenge and do believe in the slogan… “Together we can make a difference.”

Hardus Botha
Twee Nuwe SAPD Stasiebevelvoerders vir Gansbaai en Hermanus

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