Arts and Culture in Gansbaai

The greater Gansbaai area boasts well-known artists and experts across a broad spectrum - from acclaimed singers and writers to top chefs, sculptors and painters. It is home to singer and Liedjieboer Anton Goosen, the pioneer of Afrikaans rock music; the acclaimed Afrikaans band, Baardskeerdersbos Boere-orkes; well-known writers and storytellers Jan and SD Fourie, as well as renowned artists such as Joshua Miles, Niel Jonker, Amanda Jephson, Colleen Emmenis and many others.

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Trading Hours

A Gansbaai-based art hub that offers art classes, workshops, art supplies, technique guidance, and online services.


Trading Hours

Unique abstract artworks created on canvas with oil paint in vibrant colours and textures, by a well-known De Kelders artist.

Trading Hours

Paintings and mosaic available at Stanford Art Gallery, please contact Zelna on 079 830 8476

Trading Hours

We are a shop that sells everything related to scrap booking and crafting. We also offer classes and workshops

Trading Hours

A non-profit organisation catering for underprivileged children in the Gansbaai area.

Trading Hours

An art studio, workshop and gallery (by appointment) that is run by artist and art teacher, Mimmie Pienaar.

Local artist. View by appointment. . Member of SASA

A multi-talented South African artist who flows effortlessly between landscape painting, sculptural portraiture and his passion for artisan baking.

A Gansbaai-based art hub that offers art classes, workshops, art supplies, technique guidance, and online services.

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Unique abstract artworks created on canvas with oil paint in vibrant colours and textures, by a well-known De Kelders artist.

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Paintings and mosaic available at Stanford Art Gallery, please contact Zelna on 079 830 8476

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We are a shop that sells everything related to scrap booking and crafting. We also offer classes and workshops

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  • Telephone:"Click Here"
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  • Website:"Click Here"

A non-profit organisation catering for underprivileged children in the Gansbaai area.

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An art studio, workshop and gallery (by appointment) that is run by artist and art teacher, Mimmie Pienaar.

  • Telephone: "Click Here"
  • Telephone:"Click Here"
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Local artist. View by appointment. . Member of SASA

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A multi-talented South African artist who flows effortlessly between landscape painting, sculptural portraiture and his passion for artisan baking.

  • Telephone: "Click Here"
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  • Website:"Click Here"